Confusion across campus over similarities in acronyms


IMG_3310Students returning for the spring semester knew this campus like the back of their hand, but recent upgrades made it difficult for many students to get to class on time.

Delta student Diana Murry was one of many lost students.

“I just glanced at my class schedule and thought it read ‘SHIMA’ but in all actuality it read ‘SCMA’,” said Murry.

SCMA is the acronym for the new Science & Math Building.

Staff, counselors and professors were also impacted.

Professor Stephen Itay teaches anatomy in the new building and has concerns about the new changes on campus.

“At the beginning of the semester I was notified by emails from the college with recommendations for parking in the Shima lot for the new Science and Math building,” said Itay.

“Unfortunately, the shortest route from the parking lot to SCMA is along the northern edge of campus, and you have to choose between walking through sprinklers in the morning or along the street; neither route has a pathway for pedestrians between the parking lot and the sidewalk,” he added.

The new Science and Math building is a great new asset to the college.

Though some students seem to get lost, figuring out where to go is part of the process.

Parking is also an issue worrying people visiting on campus daily, with the SCMA parking lot being under construction.

“The C-6 and C-5 parking lot will not open until the demolish phases of the Cunningham Building is completed, which is scheduled for September/October later this year,” said Facilities Planner Stacy Pinola.