Tutoring center moves from Shima to new Math & Science Building


The Math and Science Learning Center now has a new home in a new building.

The center, formally located in Shima 217, is now in the Science & Mathematics Building (SCMA), room 162.

Shima was the tutoring center’s home for some number of years. Students knew where to go for help with classes.


Now that place is in SCMA.

“The location was hard for students to find at first,” said Instructional Support Assistant I Rene’e Olson.

It was hard for students to find the new location at first because of the move.

Since the demolition of Cunningham it’s easier to see the SCMA and the location of tutoring center from one side of the campus to the other.

“Now that Cunningham is down it is much easier to find the center now,” said Olson.

Students that are new to campus that don’t know where to find the center on campus will be able to find the center with much more ease now with Cunningham out of the way.

The tutoring center was relocated, despite Shima not being torn down.

“I believe the administration wanted to keep all the math and science all in one area and give the math and science new facilities to work with,” said Olson.

The students and faculty are happier with more space and facilities.

“This room seems more open and the windows help,” said Irma Virgen, student clerk of the tutoring center.

Since the move, more students are coming to center.

Virgen said there have been up to 46 students at one time.

Jim Fowler, a tutor, said the new center is “fantastic.”

“If you’re motivated as a student you will find the new math lab,” said Fowler.

The tutoring center is open Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. through the end of this semester.