‘Yes Means Yes’ passes


On Sept. 28, Governor Jerry Brown announced he has signed a bill that makes California the first in the nation to define when “Yes Means Yes.”

Sexual consent can no longer be given if someone is intoxicated, drugged or asleep, according to the new law.
Lack of resistance or silence doesn’t meant consent.

The law states all colleges and universities receiving state funding must have new policies for sexual assault investigations, protections on victims’ privacy and counseling available for victims.

“I think it is very useful and it should’ve been addressed a long time ago but it’s good that it’s being addressed right now because it’s becoming more of an issue,” said Kody Bowerman, a Delta student.

Sen. Kevin de Leon introduced the bill. Sb-967

“Every student deserves a learning environment that is safe and healthy,” he said after the bill was signed.
“I think that it is something that should’ve been done a long time ago… Hopefully it will bring the rate [of sexual assaults] lower,” said Chloe Aker, a Delta student.

Student activists in California rejoiced with the new higher standard that helps battle sexual assault on college campuses.

About one in five women will deal with sexual assault while at college, according to the Huffington Post.

The United States Government began a campaign called “It’s on Us” on Sept. 19t aimed at addressing this issue.

The campaign targeted members of campus community to do something about possible sexual assault situations.

Now that California has defined affirmative consent, student activists hope that this will create a domino effect, making other state colleges in the nation a safer place to learn.