DC VS. MARVEL: War for cinematic supremacy


The Marvel and DC Universe are locked in a battle for comic book supremacy, and it has leaked into a battle for the silver screen.

Both Marvel and DC Comics have shown the companies are in play for years to come.

20th Century Fox is washing its hands of what “X2” through “The Wolverine” did to its “X-Men” franchise with “Days of Futures Past” and rebooting “Fantastic Four.”

Both “X-Men” and “Fantastic Four” are two of Marvels most important players, and with the news of “Dead Pool” getting its own movie, 20th Century Fox is giving the fans something to look forward to.

The real success has been Marvel Studios setting up for “The Avengers” to meet.

We are two years past “The Avengers,” and all people are doing is waiting for “Avengers: Age of Ultron.”

This lead-up also includes the recently leaked Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet which will be comprised in the two part “The Avengers: Infinity War.”

Marvel Studios has shown its plans on expanding “The Avengers” with Ant Man, Dr. Strange and more getting movies.

Big news is the next addition to the “Captain America” films: “Captain America: Civil War.”

It sounds as if it’s bringing the Marvel Civil War to life in theaters that will make comic book enthusiasts lose their mind.

Sony Pictures has done to your hopes of a good “Spiderman” movie what George R. R. Martin has done to your favorite “Game of Thrones” characters, and killed them off.

“Spiderman” is arguably Marvels most popular hero and fans are waiting to see him finally come to life as the witty hero/nerdy persona.

Fans have high hopes for two of Spiderman’s most infamous villains Carnage and Venom getting their movie.

Something could be getting setup for a big splash in Spiderman’s realm.

DC has had huge success with “The Dark Knight” trilogy, but has also produced huge flops in the likes of “Green Lantern.”

DC entertainment has shown it is ready to bring the “Justice League” to life.

DC is eager to complete the “Justice League” movie to compete with “The Avengers.”

Having “Man of Steel” setting the path, DC is bringing the next installment “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice,” which will include Wonder Woman, Cyborg and Aquaman.

Still DC will do its characters justice with their own films.

Wonder Woman, Shazam, Aquaman, Green Lantern and Cyborg are all getting their own film, while Flash is rumored to share his movie with Green Lantern.

DC is showing a lot of promise and can start becoming a challenge to Marvel’s dominance.

But for now, Marvel remains on top.