Holiday traditions differ for people in month of December


It’s the most wonderful time of the year, as some say.

The weather is colder, holiday songs play in every store and lights light up the night.

Even though some enjoy winter celebrations, many people dread the season.

The lines at Target are way too long.

Christmas songs get repetitive.

And you’re forced to see that one family member always asking you about your love life.

“Working in retail is horrible this time of year,” said Oliver Johnson, who has worked in retail for almost two years.

What those people don’t see is the month of Decem- ber holds so much more than retail sales and holiday songs.

Families from all over the world celebrate different kinds of holidays around this time. The San Joaquin area has a proud diversity of people and holidays.

Some decorate Christmas trees, others celebrate eight days of Hanukkah. There are too many traditions to count.

Abbey Baer, a Jewish college student, said holiday celebrations and traditions are important in a religious setting.

“I always look forward to celebrating Hanukkah with my family. It’s a very important holiday with many traditions. Hanukkah is much more than just eight days of presents,” stated Baer

Traditions include decorating your home, making
meals with that one secret family recipe, taking a trip with your siblings and many more.

“Every Christmas we make tamales. It is usually the women in our family do it,” said 18-year-old Rosita Trevizo, who celebrates Christmas every year with her parents and three siblings.

No matter who your background or religion, the holiday season means being thankful for the people in our lives.

“I love spending the holidays with my family. We have an ugly sweater contest and decorate treats on Christmas Eve,” said Johnson.