Textbooks: Important material or dust collectors?


When students buy or rent the required textbooks for courses, they expect to use them.

Students spend hundred of dollars a semester on books, so it would be smart to put that money to use.

At Delta, that’s not always the case.

After surveying six different students, only two said they use their required textbooks.

The other four students stated their textbooks sit at home and collect dust.

“I bought my math textbook only to find out that we did most of our assignments and note taking online. It’s a waste of money. If you aren’t going to use it, then don’t put required next to the book,” stated Carly Smith, a

Delta student.

For students who are limited on spending, money wasted on an unused textbook could go towards a different class or even paying bills.

Waiting until the class starts is always a smart option, but what if the price goes up once the semester starts?

Four of the six students who don’t use their textbooks said book renting sites such as Chegg.com raise book prices once the semester starts, and they aren’t willing to pay the higher price.

“I rent when it’s [the textbook] the cheapest. If I wait, the price goes up or it’s sold out. So waiting really isn’t an option for me,” said Benjamin Nunez, another Delta student.

With the population of students here at Delta, textbooks sell quickly.

Therefore students are forced to pay high prices once the semester starts.

Katherine Lee said her professor announced at the beginning of the semester that class would be using the textbook.

The class is now halfway through the semester, and the textbook has yet to be used.

“That money could have gone to paying my rent or buying groceries,” said Lee.

Delta students can agree on one thing: textbooks are expensive and most students don’t have the money to waste on a textbook that will sit at home and collect dust.