Body art no longer problem for getting jobs


We know some employers are picky when it comes to tattoos and piercings. But is this conservative view fading away?

With more and more people indulging in body art, it’s not a surprise that many employers are letting it slide.

In 2012, a survey said one in five adults in the U.S. have tattoos and one-third of these adults have piercings.

Companies such as Barnes & Nobles and Hot Topic have no problem with their employees showing off their body art, but Walmart and Starbucks still say no to this self-expression.

“It’s crazy that some businesses still don’t allow body art. If your business is successful, it shouldn’t matter,” said Oliver Johnson, a retail worker.

While Johnson makes a good point, a survey done by states 60 percent of employers are more likely to turn away applicants with tattoos or piercings.

When applying for jobs, I was turned away countless times just for my one nose piercing and zero tattoos.

It’s obvious employers think body art will tarnish their business with a rebellious look, but an upbeat attitude and a friendly smile could distract from tattoos and piercings.

“Many customers don’t care, I mean, usually they are really interested in what my tattoo means. I don’t think it should be a factor in getting a job,” stated Johnson.

More than 25 different companies allow employees to have body art, but it’s smart to always cover up tattoos and replace metal piercings with clear ones when interviewing for a job.

I tried to contact local businesses to ask their view of body art, but none got back to me.

Although times are changing and companies are becoming more open minded to self-expression, there is a good majority of employers that are willing to pass up applicants who are qualified for the job if they have body art.
With an increasing number of people getting piercings and tattoos, it’s time to push away the conservative view of body art.