Pillow Talk: Confidence key in relationships


Every man and woman has a moment in life when they’re feeling unsure of themselves, when it comes to approaching someone about hooking up.

jermaineWhat if she doesn’t like me? What if he has a girlfriend? How can I make a good first impression?

These are all questions floating around your head during the process of considering interacting with a complete stranger.

Men have the tendency of trying too hard to get attention from women who are out of their league.

For all of the guys who can relate, don’t feel bad. Just learn how to wing it.

Stop being negative and good fortune will come your way in due time.

Women: You aren’t much better at throwing insecurities out the window.

Too many women fall back into elementary school personalities when it’s time to put confidence on display.

You remember the “All boys are yucky” thing they used to do anytime someone accused them of liking a certain boy in class?

There’s a vast majority of women who still do this now that they’re adults.

Going by society’s standards, you would believe women are always confident with themselves and their abilities, but in the dating game we’re all on an equal playing field.

This brings me back to the “just learn how to wing it” approach.

Whenever I find myself overwhelmed by a woman I’m interested in I don’t hesitate to let her know.

Whether or not I get to second base with her is beside the point.

The fact that matters is my confidence allows me not to be afraid of letting loose my inner thoughts and feelings.

Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.

Sometimes getting rejected by someone attractive can be the best way for you to appreciate who you are, and what makes you special.

This has a ripple effect that can cause you to start having more faith in your ability to go after someone better looking than yourself.

Your level of confidence when looking to meet a new friend should be just as high as it is when you’re on a job interview.

The employer you’re seeking employment with notices when you’re nervous or unsure. Hooking up with a stranger is no different.

As Wayne Gretzky said: You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.

So the next time you’re open for a 16-foot jump shot take it, follow through with your form and you just might hear the crowd inside your head roar at the top of their lungs.