There are over 350 local businesses to Stockton’s name.
Whether it’s a favorite taqueria like Tepa Taqueria or pizza restaurant like Joe’s Pomodoro Pizza Cafe or even a quick bagel in the morning at Bagel Ex- press these businesses are doing more than just feeding appetites.
Many local businesses are located within walking distance of the Delta College campus.
It’s important to support local busi- nesses in Stockton because it helps the community grow.
Each business helps support the City of Stockton by being involved in town events, markets, or making donations to school and other events.
Bagel Express off of March Lane has been open for 25 years and has the “New York favorite” according to owner Hec- tor Lopez.
Lopez said he donates his bagels to nonprofit organizations, schools and churches in Stockton.
These businesses encourage growth in the economy because most owners are entrepreneurs, which if the business is decently successful can move people from lower income to the middle class.
Although that helps the economy, for most business owners, they wanted to share something they enjoy and are good
Mike Rodarakis, manager of Joe’s Pomodor Pizza Café located on Pershing Ave., hopes Joe’s gives Stockton “quality pizza” while also donating and fundrais- ing for high schools and middle schools in the area.
One of the key elements that make small businesses stand out more to locals is the fact that most of the owners have created products that pertain to their in- terest and ethnicity.
These businesses create goods that they enjoy and want to pass on to others in the community