On Nov. 13, terrorists struck the citizens of Paris.

More than 129 people were killed and 352 wounded in at- tacks at six different locations.

The deadliest site was the Bataclan concert hall where shootings and a hostage situation occurred.

Two bombs went off at the Stade de France during a soccer match. In addition, a series of shootings happened in nearby bars and restaurants.

While Paris turned out its lights on the Eiffel Tower that night, the rest of the world’s landmarks lit up with the colors of France’s flag.

ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks and stated this is the first of many, according to USA Today.

Paris retaliated by carrying out airstrikes in Raqqa, Syria beginning Nov. 16.

While this is a time for mourning and respect, it’s also a time to consider future ac- tions regarding this terrorist group.

“Actually, in my opinion, I don’t think [France’s actions] are a good move because you are just giving into what the terrorists want. They want to strike fear into the hearts of civilians and countries. I don’t think we should abide to that,” said Augustus La Due, a Delta student.

According to USA Today, ISIS has openly threatened the United States and recently re- leased a video saying:

“We tell countries participating in the crusader campaign: We swear that you will experience a sim- ilar day to the one that France experiences; since if we have struck France in its heart – in Paris – then we swear that we will strike America at its heart – in Washington.”

The threat of ISIS is appar- ent and the attacks that occurred in Paris were shocking in magnitude and execution.

The impact of this attack calls for a plan of action from the allies of France.

“[The U.S.] should be at- tacking their infrastructure for one thing, because that’s usu- ally what wins wars is going after infrastructure and that’s the only difference that ISIS has from any other terrorist group,” added La Due.

Politicians argue about increasing the U.S. presence in the Middle East, whether or not to take in Syrian refugees, and what we want our role to be in this war on ISIS.

“My personal opinion on [bringing in Syrian refugees] is that it’s okay because we do bring in like 70,000 refugees a year anyway so just adding 10,000 isn’t that big of deal,” said La Due.

On Nov. 16, presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson released an official statement saying: “Today, I am asking Congress to stop the Obama Administration’s plans to bring in up to 45,000 Syrian refugees. There is currently no ability to vet these people. By letting refugees into our coun- try without vetting we are putting America at risk.”

The role of media is becom- ing a conversation piece, as critics argue that more attention is being paid to Paris than other atrocities.

Other things going on in the world that not many are hearing about the earthquake in Japan or the mass shooting that killed over forty civilians in Beirut, Lebanon.

“The media is going to spew their bias anyways … it pushes us to radicalism,” said La Due.

The results of the attacks in France are already having ripple effects, impacting security at events around the world.