Micheal Bay delivers intense action on a heavily debated Benghazi incident


After its first few weeks in theaters, “13 Hours” has now become this year’s first underrated film.

Following the popularity of similar movies like “Zero Dark Thirty” and “American Sniper,” one would expect Americans to go see “13 Hours” as well.

While many did go see it and gave good reviews, it seems as if the millennial generation didn’t even notice the film.

13_Hours_posterThe problem may lie with its subject: Benghazi.

Did anybody know the true story of September 11, 2012 before seeing this movie?

If you didn’t read a book about it or research it in detail, the answer is most likely no.

After the deaths in Libya, there was only confusion circulating about what happened.

The federal government tried to tell the public that there was an attack on the American embassy because of an anti-Islamic video released.

Unfortunately, the tragic event became yesterday’s news when the next big thing everyone talked about came along.

The event at Benghazi didn’t receive national attention until later on.

The 2015 trial against Hillary Clinton regarding Benghazi and her time serving as Secretary of State was confusing to most Americans.

If nobody knows what happened, then why was the former Secretary of State on trial?

Clinton was victimized during the trial and gained some positive poll ratings.

After the trial the Benghazi issue was left silent by the media.

The support behind “13 Hours” comes from those who knew that the truth needed to be heard and that the lives of the four men lost that night have to be honored.

The movie did not target Clinton or bring in much politics. It was clear to the audience the movie makers’ intentions were to tell the story, not place blame or target those involved.

The premier screening was shown in Texas, free for not only the actors and producers, but for the marines, their families and their communities.

Because this issue was so misunderstood and swept under the rug, many millennials did not have an interest in seeing “13 Hours.”

This is not only disappointing, but also surprising that young people do not have the curiosity to find out what really happened that night in Benghazi.