Highlighting Delta: Pathway to law is clear for hopeful students at Delta


On campus, we see certain groups and or- ganizations that students flock to. The Path- way to Law School Program is among these.

“I feel like law is one of the better ways to make change,” said Jessica Lafrentz, a Delta student involved in the program.

For students who feel passionate about their future careers in law, the Pathway to Law School Program offers support and direction.

“The pathway to law school program is kind of like a pipeline. It works from high school to community college to four year colleges,” said Mercy Bacallan, another member of the program.

Students interested in studying law, becoming attorneys or judges can join the pro- gram if they meet requirements.

“I joined because if it’s on my application when I apply to UC Davis, which is one of the schools [the program correlates with] they’ll see that I did want to go to their law school beforehand,” said Lafrentz.

The Pathway to Law School Program at Delta participates with six different four year university law programs: University of San Francisco, University of Santa Clara, UC Davis, USC, Loyola University, UC Irvine.

“It allows you to receive mentorship. It gives you insight on what you need to do to prepare for law school. We talk about the LSATs. We meet with attorneys in San Joa- quin area. It’s associated with the San Joaquin Bar Association,” said Bacallan.

The program also provides as a networking link between students and those working in the field.

“We’ve met with public officials here in the San Joaquin area. This helps in knowing who to talk to and networking goes a long way if you want to intern in the future … kind of gives you a lot of access and you could possibly get a job. It’s a really great program for those who want to become a judge or attorney,” said Bacallan.

The program puts value on networking as well as mentorship. “Visiting the courts, and watching Sonya Sotomayor, doing all these different events has actually been helpful because when you meet people you are going to get these connections and you can have a mentor,” said Lafrentz.

Lafrentz expressed her appreciation for her advisor, Joel Blank. Having an intensive background in law and politics, Blank serves as a mentor to his students involved in the program.

“From the advice professor Blank is giving me is helping me transition into what I want to do and knowing my exact path,” said Lafrentz.

Programs such as these give ambitious students the direction they are searching for.

“I think [having programs like these] shows the board is interested in building students up to their potential and honestly, if you know what you want to do now you should have these kinds of programs instilled,” said Lafrentz.