Master Bicycle Plan hopes to make bike trails safe


Over the years, Stockton has continuously grown wider.

Now it’s been prompted to rewrite a vision of a city that includes sustainable mobility and transportation.


On Saturday, March 12 the Citywide Bicycle Master Plan Update had its second community workshop.

The plan is to ensure improvements are attainable and fundable.

The workshop includes different options for new routes around the city to make traveling safer for cyclists.

“A place where you don’t need a car and ages 8-80 feel comfortable riding in,” said Meghan Mitman, who hosted the workshop.

Meanwhile, members try to consider prioritizing project ideas, specifically whether they should put a majority of time into cheaper, faster ideas or ideas that will take more time.

During the workshop, a PowerPoint showed 45 percent of Millennials don’t want to be driving but feel uncomfortable with bikes.

“I’m a fan of safer routes, to ease congestion and to fill bike racks at schools, I don’t see that anymore throughout the city,” said Stockton City Councilmember Dan Wright.

People seemed to be interested but not concerned with riding bikes.

However, cyclists also were raising concerns on existing route problems.

“It’s like a cage on El Dorado route, you better not sneeze or you going to get hit,” said Daniel Swanner, a local cyclist.

The city’s plan hopes to resolve maintenance on routes and crossings to keep it stress free.

“It’s wonderful because Stockton is so flat it has accessible topography with open areas, you could use the whole city without cars. Its really a marvelous trail if you fully ride throughout the city,” said Steve Bentley, a local cyclist.

The plan is also identifying new directions and places that don’t need many lanes.

The member’s goal is to receive feedback and data. Even sending out text surveys to the community to get them involved.

“The Federal governments mentality is different from back then more multi mobile with transit and being more active. We have transportation programs now that take advantage of that. That comes with more walking and being outdoors. You wouldn’t see it from your car but there’s a bike culture now,” said Eric Alvarez, Director/City Engineer.

The Master Bicycle Plan wants the environment to be overly safe, stress free for everyone and to get people to feel comfortable bicycling in Stockton.