Delta marketing brings positive PR


Delta College has hired a new marketing team.

The new Marketing Communication and Outreach Team has many focuses, the main focus is to attract more students to come to Delta.

The team is divided in three different subdivisions.

The marketing side focuses on branding and advertising the college. The team has started doing this by putting out television commercials, radio ads as well as bus advertising. They have even invested into Pandora.

Delta has even put up banners all over the campus. The message behind these banners is that going to
Delta College is a smart choice because we have smart professors and offer flexible schedules. Also, If you are not sure what you want to do then you could come here to explore the possibilities.

“Makes the campus look nice and professional,” said college student Rebecca Smith.

The communications side focuses on providing updated information on the college website as well with managing the social media accounts and manage the public information office.

They plan to focus a lot on social media because most students are on there and everything is basically moving there. So they want to be present and be their media consumption.

“We want to try to start having a consistent look so that when they think of Delta College they have in their mind what that looks like what that feels like to be a Delta community,” said Shelly Valenton.

The outreach side will focus on recruiting students by visiting high schools and doing presentations.

It will also be forming events for the community and students.
The new team has begun working on many different strategies to start attracting more people to the college.

This includes a partnership with Floor 24 Media, which is made of Matthew Mackey, Evelynn Preciado and Sirtaj Bhangu, three current Delta college students.

“I was blown away by what they can do,” said Valenton.

Floor 24 Media is multimedia production company based in Stockton, California. The company focuses in helping businesses to market their business. It offers the following services video production, photography, video and audio editing and so on.

“The marketing team has made us feel very welcome in the creative process while developing the school’s messages,” said Matthew Mackey.

The team created a video for the college which is available on the college’s Facebook account.
Floor 24 Media also created promotional videos Delta College uses for when visits to high schools happen.

“They are also excited about the fact that they can say their promotional video content is being produced by current students” said Mackey.

It’s only been two to three months since all these efforts have been in affect so it’s too early for Delta College to notice any changes.

The team hopes for the best to see a change in the future.