‘30 Songs, 30 Days’ revives the political song


With 30 days left until Election Day, certain artists are showing a way of “celebrating,” with a collaboration album titled, “30 Songs, 30 Days,” an album dedicated to hating presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Dave Eggers founded the project after attending a Trump rally in Sacramento, which according to the 30 Songs, 30 Days website, is “written and recorded by artists for a Trump-free America.”

According to Entertainment Weekly, Eggers wanted to “resurrect the political song.”

“From Woody Guthrie to Public Enemy, we know that songs can change minds, and particularly now, we need to motivate voters to stand against bigotry, sexism, hatred and ignorance,” Eggers said on the website.

The artists so far include Death Cab for Cutie, who kicked off the album with their song ‘Million Dollar Loan’ and Aimee Mann, whose song is titled ‘Can’t You Tell.’

According to thefader.com, Death Cab front man Ben Gibbard stated: “While campaigning in New Hampshire last year, he[Trump] attempted to cast himself as a self-made man by claiming he built his fortune with just a small loan of a million dollars from his father. Not only has this statement been proven to be wildly untrue, he was so flippant about it. It truly disgusted me.”

Most students who have heard the song didn’t know the song was directed at Trump.

“From listening to the song [Million Dollar Loan] it seems like in the beginning it’s kind of like a self-reflection, like he [the artist] was influenced by something,” said Delta student Mercy Bacallan. After being told that the song was about Trump, she added, “Oh. I didn’t get Trump at all. I didn’t see the correlation.”

Even though the album’s purpose is to spread negative messages about Donald Trump, there are some people who will not change their opinion and will continue to support Trump.

“What he supports and doesn’t support is similar to my feelings,” said Delta student, Andrea Platt, who is pro-Trump, “I do think he’s a dick and some of the things he says is uncalled for but at the same time what he’s for, that’s what matters to me.”

Jim James, R.E.M. More, Thao Nguyen, Clipping and Bhi Bhiman also appear in the project.