Colleges, cities adopt ‘sanctuary’ statuses


A safe haven is defined as a place of refuge or security, a sanctuary of sort.

Sanctuary is the word to define this predicament.

As a result of the Nov. 8 election people have started taking steps to protect undocumented immigrants against president-elect Donald Trump.

Students have joined the Trump Wars.

“I think everyone should feel safe and everyone should have an education because a person is person regardless of the circumstances,” said Sam Singh, a Delta College nursing major.

It started as a few schools helping out but became something more on Nov.16, when 80 universities in the United States protested against Trump in concern for undocumented immigrants with the help and guidance of Movimiento Cosecha which was spread around social medias as #SanctuaryCampus.

The Cosecha Movement, translated to the “Harvest Movement,” is a movement that fights for the dignity, respect and protection of immigrant workers in the United States as stated on its Facebook page.

“I think Trump should leave people alone. People come and make sacrifices everyday as a President he should want what is best of everyone,” said Blanca Esparza, a Delta student.

Twitter user Mariella Gayla sent out updates from the Harvard University protest.

“‘Say it loud say it clear immigrants are welcome here’ protesters deliver petition to #harvard administrators (sic),” she wrote.

Students have protested on campus and skipped classes to help where they can while posting on social medias to get others to help regardless the race, ethnicity, or age. This includes protests at both University of the Pacific and Delta College in mid November.

Students at Harvard and Yale have already taken steps to help the undocumented and have made a petition to refuse entry and documents that state who is an undocumented citizen to officials or anyone of power who ask for them.

When asked if people who didn’t vote have a say in what is going on: “If people were so against Trump, Why didn’t they vote Hillary? Would she be any different?” said said Delta student Joseph Guardo.
Victor Omotade, a pharmacy major at Delta, had similar views.

“ I think people don’t have a say who didn’t vote especially those who refuse to perform their city rights. If you don’t vote you have no say.”

Students say Trump is to blame, even though there are those who share similar views.

“Personally I think he is the one to blame, he started this problem. He was and is in the public eye which means people who tend to follow will follow whether they agree or not on his views,” said Esparza.
Delta student Anna Faybysher said Trump’s rhetoric is causing more people to voice similar opinions.

“I guess people felt it was right they felt,” she said. “They probably thought if a president can do it, why can’t they?”

In California, many cities have declared sanctuary status, including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Berkeley, Oakland and San Jose.