Proposition 55: The best option for U.S. school system?


The students of California have once seen the effects of a lack of funding and teachers.

Now they might have to relive a sub-par educational system they survived years before.

Prop 55 is an extension of prop 30 that, if passed, will keep the original proposition in place.

The new prop also includes an incremental funding of children’s health care.

The original proposition allocated tax money from wealthy Californians to public schools and children’s healthcare.

Delta College’s Board of Trustees unanimously agreed on a resolution to support prop 55 giving reasons, including the fact that California is behind other states and our schools again have to lay o needed teachers and increase average-class size.

e board openly said the recession was a “challenge” for public school before Prop 30.

is topic was discussed by the Board of Trustees Tuesday,Sept.13.

Proposition 55 is the best for California’s school system, but some still have doubts about the extension.

e tax rate for Californians will stay the same as it did prior to the formation of the proposition and has a requirement of transparency and responsibility.

Since 2013-14 school year the average high school reported a 1 percent rise in graduation rates every year without excluding any ethnicities and socio-economically disadvantaged groups, according to the California Department of Education.

Some argue schools are already well funded but Prop 55 also doubles as a safety net in case of another situation where funding will take a drastic cut.

Prop 55 also prohibits use from other groups.

If the governor wants to build new roads, he won’t be able to touch money allocated by Prop 55 or Prop 30 to do so. When Prop 30 was proposed Gov. Jerry Brown said it was “a temporary tax hike.”

Now people are accusing him of lying to the public with Prop 55 making it a permanent part of Californian budgeting.

Our public schools are recovering well since the recession; so this growth of education is worth the continuation of the proposition and a small grievance with the governor.

The original proposition has done well enough for a need to continue the budgeting to further the advancements and protect against another cut in all around budgeting.

Possible complications of the loss of Prop 30 and Prop 55 can be disastrous for the various school districts across California, especially in Los Angeles area and here in Stockton.

When the recession hit, many schools could see the effect within the next school year.

Teachers that assumed they had a job the next year were left with little planning while students received less personal help from teachers swamped with more students and a bigger workload.

Students saw fewer luxuries including sports equipment and programs that let them explore things besides Math and English.

Many groups support Prop 55 including the California School Employees Association, California Library Association, Dolores Huerta Foundation and countless School boards across California.