Men’s basketball has successful season


Since the season began in November, the Mustangs have had a successful current overall of 14-9 and 7-3 in conference games.

“We are one of the toughest leagues in the state and it’s a very competitive league,” said Head Coach Rich Ressa.

With the team being ranked No. 15 at state level and No. 8 regionally, the league has become more competitive.

Most recently the Mustangs had back to back wins defeating two of the Big 8 Conference teams, Sierra College with a result of 70-58 and American River College with a result of 76-72.

In early January, the Mustangs lost to Sierra College by 72-69 but had a successful game last week defeating Sierra with 70 points.

“We lost to Sierra early in the year, we play really well I believe on Tuesday and we pull out a win,” said Ressa.
Jovian Cormier, Delta College sophomore and basketball player-small forward, considers the season has had an advancing improvement from last.

“We’d play a lot better than last year, like last year there was a lot of individual ball, we got a lot of new pieces and more talented,” said Cormier.

Two of the Mustangs incoming players were injured during the preseason workouts.

In addition, Delta freshmen and basketball player-small forward, Kobi Ford was put out for the entire season for a knee injury in the beginning of the season.

Ressa said the players who were injured can take the positive aspects from the negatives of being off the whole season and take it as an opportunity to comprehend and adapt to college and to be more prepared for the next basketball season.

“Obviously we’re going to missed them this year but this gives them a whole year to understand what college and what college life is about and they are going to come back bigger and stronger next year,” said Ressa.

This current season the team consists of 15 players which include eight freshmen and seven sophomores.

Although the success of the Mustangs has been hard work and dedication from the entire team the sophomores or returning players have been key elements for the success of the team.

“We always look towards our sophomores to provide leadership because they’ve been in the program for one or two years but no we are all part of a team and each team member has its role…but as far as crucial I would say the returning players take the crucial role in the season,” said Ressa.

As the Basketball season comes to end the team hopes to give it’s “maximize potential” and hopefully reach playoffs.

“I think we will go pretty far in the playoffs,” said Ford.

The next game will be tomorrow Feb. 10 against Santa Rosa Junior College in Santa Rosa at 7:30 p.m.