Trump’s decisions raising red flags


Narcissist Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental disorder in which a person has a deep need for admiration, a sense of entitlement, lack of empathy for others and an inflated sense of self-importance according to Mayo Clinic. Narcissism is also considered a social or cultural problem according to

One of today’s biggest social problems is President Donald Trump.

Trump has shown multiple signs of narcissism through interviews and his infamous Tweeting sprees to the point where psychotherapists such as John D. Gartner and Dr. Julie

Futrell believe that Trump is “dangerously mentally ill and temperamentally incapable of being president,” according to Gartner as he told US News in an article called “Temperament Tantrum.”


In an interview with NY Daily News, Dr. Julie Futrell stated: “Narcissism impairs his ability to see reality so you can’t use logic to persuade someone like that.”

Trump justifies his reasons on being a better president than Hillary by scapegoating and degrading groups of people who, according to Trump, are seen as threats including immigrants and religious minorities.

According to CNN, in Trump’s speech when he announced his candidacy for president in the Fall of 2015, he compared Mexican immigrants to criminals and rapists.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people who have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume are good people,” he said.

He continued his Latino remarks on CNN’s State of the Union and said: ”But you have people coming and I’m not just saying Mexicans, I’m talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists and they’re coming into this country.”

A study titled Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) published by The American Psychiatric Association states narcissistic people tend to belittle others in an attempt to validate their own superiority. Thus making them feel more powerful and having an excessive need to be in control.

Trump is a disturbed person with NPD who validates himself by building up his ego from tearing down others. The American Psychiatric Association also has a nine point checklist for narcissistic traits.

One of the traits for NPD is selfishly taking advantage of others to achieve their own ends.

Trump shows that trait perfectly during an interview with CNN and told reporters: “I will build the wall and Mexico’s going to pay for it and they’ll be happy to pay for it. And all these other characters say ‘oh they won’t pay,’ because they don’t know the first thing about how to negotiate. Trust me, Mexico will pay.”

Trump also shows another trait of NPD by having a sense of entitlement and unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment.

“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters,” Trump said at a rally in Sioux Center, Iowa as his supporters laughed according to NBC news. My take is that Trump is one of the most problematic people in today’s news, politics and now president.

Trump promises to solve our problems or “make America great again” but the truth is, he’s not making anything great at all, he’s just making America worse by spreading hate, misogyny and racial profiling.

A president is supposed to serve and respect our nation and the people in it.

Trump surrounds himself with people who admire and applaud him, particularly his supporters, which is what narcissistic people feed on. They need constant admiration from others. Trump’s only believes facts that praise him, anything else is “fake news” in his eyes.


The American Psychiatric Association states that, narcissistic personality disorder can be treated with counseling psychology, but not cured. The cause for the disorder can be from genetics or psychobiology. It can also last for years or be a lifelong disorder.

Nonetheless, since Trump has no ability or desire to be diplomatic or compromise on anything, it is crystal clear that he is incapable of leading America into a successful nation.

Trump shows that trait perfectly during an interview with CNN and told reporters: “I will build the wall and Mexico’s going to pay for it and they’ll be happy to pay for it. And all these other characters say ‘oh they won’t pay,’ because they don’t know the first thing about how to negotiate. Trust me, Mexico will pay.”

Trump also shows another trait of NPD by having a sense of entitlement and unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment.

“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters,” Trump said at a rally in Sioux Center, Iowa as his supporters laughed according to NBC news. My take is that Trump is one of the most problematic people in today’s news, politics and now president.

Trump promises to solve our problems or “make America great again” but the truth is, he’s not making anything great at all, he’s just making America worse by spreading hate, misogyny and racial profiling.

A president is supposed to serve and respect our nation and the people in it.

Trump surrounds himself with people who admire and applaud him, particularly his supporters, which is what narcissistic people feed on. They need constant admiration from others. Trump’s only believes facts that praise him, anything else is “fake news” in his eyes.

The American Psychiatric Association states that, narcissistic personality disorder can be treated with counseling psychology, but not cured. The cause for the disorder can be from genetics or psychobiology. It can also last for years or be a lifelong disorder.

Nonetheless, since Trump has no ability or desire to be diplomatic or compromise on anything, it is crystal clear that he is incapable of leading America into a successful nation.