Finding the right sport for you

Proper foundation important to sculpting a healthier body, but where to start? Let The Collegian help you figure out what workout is best for you


Some people believe exercise is to life, what a whetstone is to a knife.

Others view it as an ungodly punishment best left to Sisyphus.

If an inexperienced individual lacks the know-how to get fit effectively, beginning to workout can feel like a painful tedium that bears little fruit.

Knowing how to exercise properly may be the foundation needed to sculpt a healthier body. Gina Johnson, head women’s basketball coach and Delta professor, said the ego getting involved can cause people to take on too much too quickly.

They feel discouraged when they cannot keep up the pace they set themselves.

“The idea is to work slowly into their new work out,” said Johnson.

She recommends starting with exercises that utilize a person’s own body weight.

Planks, push-ups and plyometric exercises may have a lower barrier for entry than free-weights or other more advanced options.

A healthy lifestyle is as important as the exercise itself.

Nathan Varosh, women’s water polo head coach, stresses the importance of drinking water over less healthy alternatives.

“Set aside 30 minutes to be active a day,” he said.

Staying consistent in the time you put towards working out is very important towards seeing results.

“Find something that you’ll enjoy,” said assistant baseball coach Mat Keplinger. People will be more inclined to stick with a workout if they enjoy the activity rather than viewing it as a chore.

Keplinger warns against being too result oriented.

It’s a process and change that most likely won’t be seen overnight.

Exercise does not have to be about the destination. Incorporating it into your routine may be difficult at first, but over time people tend to find themselves with more energy and feeling happier.