Scholarships awarded to Delta students


In early August, Delta College awarded a total of $206,800 in scholarships to in 350 scholarships to help students achieve college education goals.

Today, the rates of tuition, book costs, and attending college in general seem to be adding up rapidly. 

Many students don’t lack the ambition or determination to attend college. Instead, they are deprived financial support to further their education.

Nursing major, Karissa Amkhamavong, was the recipient winner of the Dr. Henry and Sylvia Wong Rn Scholarship.

“For the past few semesters my parents have been paying for my books. With the money I got from my scholarship, I can now pay for my own books,” said Amkhamavong.

Scholarship money given to these students not only helps students who are continuing studies at Delta College, it also helps those who are transferring to four-year universities.

When transferring to a four-year not only are tuition rates higher, but many students no longer have the privilege to live at home.

There are more financial factors that come into play once students transfer.

Health Science major Miriam Bautista shared how after leaving Delta to attend Sacramento State money became tight for her.

“I was grateful for receiving the scholarship because I moved to Sacramento. I had to find a new job and pay more bills. As well as budget my money more. So money was tight,” said Bautista.

With the help of the ASDC Community Leaders scholarship Bautista was able to fund her own school supplies as well as pay for book fees.

Scholarship programs and generous donors are the reason more students are able to attend college and progress in their studies.

For more information on scholarship opportunities visit the Financial Aid Office located in the DeRicco building.