Outreach continues for hurricane victims


Weather can change in a heartbeat, often to the point of disaster.

In 2017, records were broken when Hurricane Harvey appeared over the Southeast of Texas leading to a strong category 4 hurricane. It managed to outdo Wilma by bringing 40-52 inches of rainfall, 130 mph winds and flash floods.

Then Hurricane Irma ripped through the Caribbean and Florida causing long lasting damage with its level 5 strength.

California colleges and universities are now coming to the aide of students impacted by the storms.

After seeing the destruction done to homes, people and cities many decided to help out.

University of California Davis let incoming and local students know that if any accommodations needed to be made in order to help them after the hurricane, the school would strive to help.

Maribel Martinez, Davis student and campus worker for the student housing division shared how her specific department is helping out those students who have been affected by the hurricane weather.

“We are offering early financial aid, allowing students to move in early, and waiving any fees that students accommodations may contain. There was a girl from Florida who canceled her housing on campus due to the hurricane, but later decided that she did want housing with us. So we allowed her to get housing and her housing fees were removed. This means that her down payment for housing was given back to her so she could use it as credit for anything she needs,” said Martinez.

Davis isn’t the only school welcoming students dealing fallout of Hurricane Irma.

Last semester, transfer student Keith Dosier left Delta to pursue his studies in Florida where he planned to finish his schooling.
However, a short time after getting settled in the big storm hit his location and impacted his education.

“Before the hurricane I spent most of my money I had for school on hurricane protection in order to stay safe. After the hurricane hit I ended up having to put my studies on hold because schools are closed in my area. Also, with curfews now in places I have to manage my time cleaning the damage left behind, helping those in need around me, and still try to find time to see about school,” said Dosier.

As of now, Delta hasn’t specifically stated how or if it will be helping students on campus in regards to dealing with the after effects of the hurricane.

However, the Student Activities Center did explain that it would be bringing the topic up for discussion in their next meeting to see how they could help students.

The last major hurricane the United States experienced was Hurricane Katrina which brought chaos and havoc to the southeast region of the United States in 2005.

According to the Delta College homepage, the Delta College Foundation came together to create a community event to raise funds to support relief efforts.

Additionally, one of the Delta College Nursing instructors stood by to travel to the affected region of Louisiana to support relief efforts as well.

Delta students voiced opinion as to how they think the Delta campus should make an effort to help those in need after the hurricane.
“They should have a program to either have students get assistance or links to websites that can give students help. Also, as students if we want to donate to the other students affected we should have information to know where to donate,” said student Bryan Sanchez.