‘The Visit’ closes fall semester for drama department


Delta Drama closes the semester with “The Visit,” which begins its run on Nov. 30.
The play was written by author and dramatist Friedrich Durrenmatt and was translated by Maurice Valency.
The play that will perform at Delta will come from the English translated version, but will also have adaptations from different translations since the original script is written in German.
“We start with an English translation and then we used different translations and referred to those along the way so if something isn’t making sense for instance in the English translation we chose we check in other translations and see if something can be illuminated that way,” said Associate Professor of Drama and Director Greg Foro.
The cast is made up of 26 actors and actresses who include community guest artists Mary Hurley and Richard Garvin. They play two of the leading roles: Claire Zachanassian and Alfred III.
The rest of the cast is made up of students.
For Delta student and cast member Eric Grant, the most challenging part about being part of the play has been his character’s lines.
“I played the Mayor in this production and he’s got a lot of monologues, I speak a lot in this play and that has been one of the most difficult aspects right now,” said Grant.
The story takes place in the town of Gullen, where the arrival of Claire, a wealthy former resident of the town, is anticipated.
The Delta Center for the Art’s website summarizes the plot as: “A wealthy woman returns to her debt-ridden hometown and offers a sum greater than they have ever imagined in order to help out … on one simple condition. Will the people compromise their morals in order to save their town? Will they stand up by their principles and fight for what is right in the face of abject poverty? What will they collectively decide to do?”
The play was chosen by Ashlee Temple, Greg Foro and Kevin Bautch, Delta Drama professors. Temple and Foro also direct. The professors pick from options they all brought in and choose the one they were most interested in working with.
Rehearsals for ‘The Visit’ began in mid- October.
“This is a very big show, we have a cast of 26 so it requires a good deal of rehearsal just orchestrating all the people… there is various scenes when the entire cast is on stage and involved so it’s a lot to orchestrate and coordinate who is where, when and how things kind of come together,” said Foro.
It’s the first time the play will be performed at Delta.
For Delta student and cast member Aliyah Torres, the most enjoyable part of participating in the play has been working with new people and in a different environment.
“I enjoy most about getting to work with a bunch of new people since this is my first production here, it’s really fun getting to meet new people and experience different actors, how they portray their characters and working on a bigger stage, set and with a different director,” said Torres.
Nov. 30 and Dec. 2-3 at 7 p.m.
Dec. 2-3, at 2 p.m.
Tickets: $9 adults, $4 students/seniors
For more info: visit http://deltadrama.com