DACA rally hosted during College Hour

Wendy Byrd speaking at beginning of student planned DACA Rally

On Feb. 15, Delta College students Alexandra Chacon, Guadalupe Mesa and Maira Sanchez held a student-organized Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals rally to raise awareness of what exactly DACA is. 

It also raised awareness about the upcoming date of the vote to keep or terminate the program. 

DACA is a program that gives eligible immigrant youths who came to the United States when they were children administrative relief and protection from deportation and a work permit. 

President Donald J. Trump announced last year he would phase out the DACA program on March 5.

On Feb. 15, the United States Senate blocked all four immigration-related amendments, leaving the future of DACA and immigration regulations up in the air.

     The organizers  of the event held the rally to uphold the American Dream.

Chacon, along with other students, plan on holding more events and rallies to bring to light other prominent issues.

The rally started with Wendy Byrd, the interim Associated Students of Delta College director, encouraging students to understand the dire importance of staying politically aware and to pay attention to the elected officials and their actions. 

The event provided an open mic to anyone who wanted to state their opinion on DACA. 

Speakers included Bryan Barajas, Nayeli Ramos Camacho, Alisson Celva Salazar, Fernando Cardenas, Luis Chaves and James Potnaude. 

The speakers either spoke of how they were DACA recipients or how they have seen those close to them be affected by deportation.

“The discontinuation of DACA is tearing apart families. It is ruining childhoods and it just baffles me that this is even something that is being voted against. This country is suppose to be a country of equal opportunity and yet with our current political climate, it is destroying families. Support DACA. Support your neighbors. Support families,” said Potnaude.

The crowd applauded every speaker. Many agreed with what they had to say. 

“A lot of what he’s saying is true. People often don’t think of the difference between the U.S. and Mexico but if you were actually there and experiencing it, you’d be shocked,” said Carlo Becerra in response to Cardena’s speech.