Online only killing journalism foundation


It’s no secret we live in a tech-savvy world where all we need to keep updated is an electronic device and Wi-Fi.

If a company isn’t up-to-date with technology, it’s nearly impossible to survive in competitive industries. For the past couple of years people have questioned whether newspapers will have a place in the future due to the fact most people stay updated on news through the Internet and social media.

Just think, when was the last time you saw a paperboy running a newspaper route?

Perhaps it was when you witnessed your great grandmother going outside to the porch to retrieve it.

Some may be quick to argue events taking place are easier to update online rather than waiting the next day for a newspaper, but what we’re turning a blind eye to is the foundation of journalism.

If we jump ahead and start teaching journalists solely how to publish online, how will beginning journalists learn the foundation of doing a template design, knowing which stories to poach, or simply seeing which news pieces have quality within the writing?

We can’t let technology throw the journalism world into something we aren’t ready for.

Stripping away the newspapers from students and real journalists would be dishonoring them because with going fully online, you’re neglecting other skills journalist need in order to be successful.

There are skills you can miss out on by not taking print newspapers into consideration.

“Going online is more flexible, but you’re missing out on value in story placement and knowing how to compose a newspaper thoughtfully,” said Collegian newspaper adviser Tara Cuslidge-Staiano.

Not only are we neglecting how to show students the essentials of running a newsroom and what tools are needed to design a newspaper, but for some it is money being thrown away as well.

The Collegian made a deal six years ago with an off-campus advertising kiosk company allowing money to go to a foundation account for newspaper.

“We get $250 a month for the ads on the kiosks. With this money, general costs are taken care of that aren’t usually paid for. We are able to travel to conferences and get t-shirts too,” said Cuslidge-Staiano.

There is no doubt that eventually newspapers will be taken away and replaced with online versions, but the best thing for journalism and its future now is to not leave print newspaper behind.

Keep in mind the newsprint isn’t always cleaner on the other side.