Courage becoming a dying value in today’s society


As the human race evolved, human civilization as a whole, advanced creating empires, doctrines, technology and all the wonders and privileges we enjoy today.

We are now and have been for some time on the top of the food chain.

The dangers we once faced like plagues are irrelevant today.

I believe there’s a courage MIA in today’s generation, a type of courage that is hard to find. That’s why when we find this type of courage, we should honor it.

My colleague and I recently interviewed Ben Nemtin from the MTV reality television show called “The Buried Life.” He shared with us how he decided to share his story of having depression to help a young girl share her story too. 

He shared his personal struggle with depression to millions of people in order to help a young girl. To me that is a brave thing. 

Okay, you may think it’s common today, especially in an era where we share and post everything on social media.

It’s not necessarily true especially in a time where there’s social pressure to fit in, stigmas and our obsession to appear perfect, OG and boss get in the way.

“Courage is not the absence of fear. It’s what we do when we feel fear. It takes a lot of courage to risk making a fool of yourself. It takes courage to be a loving person…,” David Carter 

Author David Carter hit the nail on the head, describing the kind of courage that is absent in today’s generation. 

It takes courage to do the right thing. 

Look into social media, do you know how many bullies are glorifying hate acts? It’s easier to be cruel than not and to stand by and watch. 

There was an incident that happened to me when I was a young kid. My cousins, sisters, friends and I were walking to the local market store at the corner. Something happened that neither of us expected. A big Doberman came running from across the street coming right after us. 

Being the fastest runner in the group, I happened to run to the very front of the group until I realized that my little pudgy sister was most likely behind. I ran back and lo and behold she was pinned to the ground with blood coming down from her nose and still like a stone while the dog barked at her. 

I decided to go up to the dog and get the dog off her. Instead it cornered me against the rail threatening to bite me.

Fortunately, a man in a baseball cap with his young son who was wearing a junior league baseball uniform, came out of his truck to fend the dog off. I’ve never seen a man reduce an aggressive huge Doberman into a yelping little Chihuahua and chase it away. 

Right away, the owner of the dog came out running to defend his dog. The man in the baseball cap was furious and couldn’t believe what he was hearing. There were shouts and words exchanged, until the man in the baseball cap threatened to get our parents to sue. Right away, the demeanor of the dog owner changed and offered a fake apology. 

I never got this hero’s name but I am most grateful that he did the right thing. We all have experienced hate in some kind of way, there’s discrimination against race, class, gender and beliefs. 

Going back to the man in the baseball cap, he could have left us at our own defense and let us deal with another person’s projected hate but I think what was more important to him was that he was a father above all and wouldn’t want his kid to go through the same thing. 

Those very actions transcend courage and encourage bravery in me. Courage helped me to muffle the voices of haters and naysayers. It gives me laser eye focus to do the right thing even when it’s not easy. It helps me go after my dreams and take all responsibility of the outcome. It stops me from getting even with others. It gives me the ability to say I messed up, I am sorry. It helps me walk away. It helps me get up when I keep getting knocked down. Most importantly, courage gives me the ability to tell a person how I feel directly. The kind of courage I am talking about is the one where I do the right thing despite what everyone says or thinks or does.

Now in the history of writing and dealing with English teachers and my current MCOM teacher. I am sorry. I know that ending with a quote is cliché, cringing and taboo. And to add more salt to the injury I have rephrased it, too. 

I know I am rhyming but relevant to the topic I will take my chances. 

So here:

“To be your authentically-highest-potential-greatest-manifestation self in a world that is constantly trying to make you into something less, something mean and green and someone else, is not only a great accomplishment but a very courageous thing.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson & Carmen Cruz