Cinema lacks original ideas for upcoming movies


When was the last time you didn’t guess the ending of a movie?

Or kept the same excitement for the movie when coming in?

The cinema world is running out of ideas. I prefer movies be surprising if I am going to be watching in the theater. 

This is why “Truth or Dare” was a disappointment to me. It felt like any other scary movie. The only surprise was the ending, but after a while it makes sense. 

Movies have come to the point that most are now split into four categories: remake, sequel, published or  resemblance. 

Remakes include ones released before and remade with new actors and slightly different story line. 

An example could include “Tomb Raider” which was released March 16 against “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” released in 2001 with Angelina Jolie.  

Though “Tomb Raider” was purely based on the game, the storyline is similar to the 2001 version. 

Croft is still the woman who lost her father at a young age and goes on a dangerous adventure to get him back. A difference bettween the two would be 2001 Lara lives treasuring her father’s memories whereas 2018 Lara couldn’t care less. 

These aren’t big differences but it still bought a crowd like other remakes,  but unlike other remakes this one wasn’t so bad. This is a rare situation considering the possibility remakes being better than the original is slim.

Sequels are similar to remakes. 

It’s suggested sequels are a last attempt by directors, producers, actors, etc. to keep popularity going. It would make sense considering movies like “Transformers” keep getting released when the first movie clearly closed the story off. Published movies include movies based on books, games, shows. 

Movies from this category include “Ready Player One,” “Rampage,” “Teen Titans Go” and “Hidden Figures.” 

Fictional books are often twisted in either a good or bad way.  The director could go by the book and throw in some surprises or can be changed by what the director thinks will work.  “Twilight” can be watched by someone who isn’t a fan once and that’s enough. 

It can be seen by someone who doesn’t fall into the target market the movie is trying to bring. 

In the case of “Twilight,” that would be young girls to women in their early twenties. This is always the case when it comes to books like this where the girl has a love triangle with two perfect guys. In other words books that thrive on “ships.”

“Ready Player One,” though, doesn’t go by the book fully and was a fantastic movie. 

The book was detailed, which unfortunately can’t be put in a two hour and 20-minute movie. This lead to changes which worked for the movie.

Book-based movies include true stories, which are fascinating but equally as predictable. People know the story before coming into the theater.

Movies based on games and shows are lazy to me because the backstory is already there which means directors can spin the story.

Movies in this situation include “Midnight Sun,”  “Everything, Everything” and “The Fault in Our Stars.” 

All the movies mentioned were based on teen girls with incurable illnesses that fall in love. 

Each struggles with the illness and tries to work with it, whereas Katie in “Midnight Sun,”  and  Hazel in “The Fault in Our Stars” had actual illnesses, 

Maddy in “Everything, Everything” didn’t at the end. Her mother lied to her and had her locked up for years because she didn’t want to lose her daughter. 

‘Unoriginal’ has become our cinemas’ keyword and ‘original’ has become lost. 

Somehow we have accepted it.