Fashion program sees decline in enrollment


Every year Delta College’s Fashion program hosts an end-of-year show for students to showcase designs they’ve worked on long throughout their time in the program. 

“I think Delta’s fashion program is really great, we have a lot of great teachers and the students are really great, it’s not what you would expect from a fashion program,” said fashion student Shannon Baker. 

This year fashion hosted its first Design on Display event on May 2.

No fashion show is planned due to the lack of students joining the program. Why is that? 

The fashion department is a fraction of the cost of many schools, the instructors are experienced teaching these hands-on courses and graduates are successful in their careers.

One explanation is that there is a major time conflict of these courses and general education courses many Delta students must take in order to transfer. 

“Right now theres a real push for stem programs and getting your degree and with that you need your general education courses,” said Associate Adjunct Professor Natalie Sconce. 

The school hopes to change that for next year so that students can take their general education courses and still join these programs without getting in the way if their plans according to Natalie Scone. 

“Overall I think the colleges focus has shifted towards transfer,” said Fashion Professor Leslie Asfour. 

Sconce said many don’t even know about the programs offered on our campus and if they did they underestimate them.