Pride Club sponsors self-defense class in Danner Hall

After going over key weak spots in most people, Byrd leads the group of enthusiastic students in learning how to properly front kick and back kick with both legs.
After going over key weak spots in most people, Byrd leads the group of enthusiastic students in learning how to properly front kick and back kick with both legs.

Martial Arts Head Instructor at Moore’s Chinese Martial Arts and Yoga Dojo located on Pacific Avenue, Kim Byrd had all 23 students who attended share their martial arts experience before this class and what they hope to get out of this class.

A handful of students had previous experience and one student noted how he took this class to “block out the haters.”

Byrd also asked students if they had been previously assaulted with strangers or people they know. She then goes on to describe how our initial reactions from assaults stem from our subconscious.

“If you get bruises from this class, wear them like badges of honor,” said Byrd

Photos by Catlan Nguyen