UCs host workshops for student success


Students attend a junior college with intentions of furthering their education, whether that is getting a degree or certificate, or to transfer to another school.

However, there’s a specific tool to help students who have a goal of finishing their education at a UC. The Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) is a program for any student who attends a California community college to have a seat at a UC of their choice. 

The TAG program will hold two more workshops in which different representatives from the UCs will assist students in filling out the applications and making sure they are on the track to transferring over at the desired year. 

The UCs taking part in the program are UC Davis, UC Merced, UC Santa Cruz, UC Irvine, UC Riverside and UC Santa Barbara. 

“They all have different requirements and, depending on your major or program, it will go off of your GPA,” said Delta student program assistant Domenica Castaneda.

One requirement that is the same for all UCs is the seven course pattern, which consists of two English composition courses, one math course and four courses from the following areas: art, humanities, behavioral and social sciences, and biological and physical sciences. Depending on which UC the student chooses to attend, they will have to have a GPA of 2.8 to 3.5 by the end of the designated semester. 

To apply for the TAG program, students must use the UC Transfer Planner (TAP) and it’s advised to review the application with a school counselor or UC TAG advisor. 

“What some students do first is they fill out the TAP — it’s putting in the courses and information before they do the TAG so the UC representative can see which programs the student qualifies for,” said Delta student program specialist Connie Martinez.

Once applied for TAG, the student must select only one campus and when applying for the UCs they must apply for the same college the put in their TAG application with. It’s highly recommended to apply for as many campuses as possible. 

“For any UC campuses, we always advise students to seek help as soon as they get to the community college … because the TAG conditions vary in GPA, and to know what classes are needed. Seeking that advice helps create a better plan,” said UC Santa Barbara representative Julio Zamarripa. The TAG applications are open until Sept. 30. The last two workshops to assist and talk to more representatives will be on Monday, Sept. 23 and Monday, Sept. 30. Both workshops will be held in the Career Transfer Center, DeRicco room 219, from 1:30 to 3 p.m.