Fair focuses on job, volunteer opportunities

Students were able to look into a variety of on-campus jobs and volunteer opportunities during the CTE & Workforce Development job and volunteer fair. PHOTO BY SERENA MALDONADO

On Oct.17, Delta College CTE & Workforce Development hosted a Student Job and Volunteer Fair in Locke Lounge. The fair was created for students to be connected with staff and help guide them to job and volunteer options on campus. 

“I believe it will help more students be informed, it makes it easier for them. It’s important to help students get out of their circle and work professional jobs,” said student Cecilia Orajel.

According to the Employment Development Department the unemployment rate in San Joaquin County on Sept. 2019 was 4.7 percent, 15,200  people unemployed. 

 Finding a job on campus is beneficial to students who struggle with transportation and work schedules being accommodated to fit school loads. 

As students, it’s hard to find jobs that understand the student workload and opportunities on campus can help with these issues. 

“I’m currently looking for a job, something on campus will be more flexible to my schedule,” said student Carmina Telles.

Events like these benefit students and helps them find resources, to guide them to where they can apply for jobs.

“A lot of students don’t always retain the information that is out there. This way they are able to meet us face to face in a welcoming manner,” said CalWORKS Instructional Support Assistant, Selena Mendoza. 

Many jobs and volunteer options on campus are meant to help ease students into the workforce; options include book store staff, food services, EOPS, DSPS, the ATTIC, tutors, and teacher”s assistant. 

“These jobs help build soft and hard skills, like showing up on time, being responsible, good communication, computer skills, and phone etiquette,” said Michelle Castanon, Delta College CTE and Workforce Development program manager.

An array of jobs are available on campus to help students build resumes. 

Hiring is beginning now for the spring semester starting in January.