Writers’ Guild in search of creative magazine editors


The Writers’ Guild is looking for editors for the club’s literary magazine, Artifact Nouveau.

The club, established in 2007, publishes an issue every fall and spring semesters. Each issue features poems, short stories, photography and art created by Delta students, faculty and alumni. Works from those unaffiliated with Delta are also welcome, but 60 percent of the magazine is made up of content from the Delta community according to Delta’s website. 

Many people submit their work to the magazine — just this semester alone, the Writers’ Guild received 103 submissions for its fall issue.

Due to the high number of submissions, the Guild is asking for more editors to join the team.

“Historically, the magazine has been managed by the officers of the SJDC Writers’ Guild Club. 

However, since 2019, the board of officers voted for creating an editing team that exclusively dedicates to improve the quality of Artifact Nouveau in matters of communications, editing, distribution, and advertising processes,” said Writers’ Guild chief editor Ronald Godoy.

The tasks of editors can be separated under certain categories. Tasks related to tracking and response includes informing contributors if their work was accepted or rejected as well as tentative changes made to their work, responding to questions, overseeing formatting issues, keeping track of permission releases, noting pseudonyms and organizing databases.

There are also tasks under the actual editing and selection process which include proof reading material for grammatical/syntax/translation errors, suggesting formatting changes, making artwork cover proposals and organizing the literary works properly. 

“The only requirement is commitment. We are in the process of structuring Artifact and elevating its quality. We are the first generation of editors dedicated exclusively to the magazine. We believe that Artifact is an important part of SJDC and our community, so we want editors who are committed to our cause,” said Godoy.

So far, the club has 4 editors according to Godoy and would be happy to take on 1 more. Editors do not have to be members of the club, but they will take priority in the process.

For more information, email the Writers’ Guild at artifactsjdc@gmail.com or advisor Gabrielle Myers at gabrielle.myers@deltacollege.edu. 

The Writer’s Guild meets every Monday at 2:30 p.m. in Locke 301.