Choral festival displays talent


A broad display on talent can be seen at Delta’s 10th annual Choral Festival on Feb. 24. 

The festival gathers elementary, middle, and high school choir members across the region together in the Atherton theater. There, each choir is given 25 minutes for their scheduled slot to perform two to three songs.

For the remaining time allotment, the choirs meet with an adjudicator which gives each a clinic, working with the choirs. 

The event allows students to not only perform on their school’s behalf, but see what Delta has to offer as well. 

“Many of the students who participate in the festival eventually come to Delta. They are not just coming here for music, but will major in a variety of subjects across campus,” said Choral Director Dr. Bruce Southard. 

The Delta Singers, a small chamber choir on campus that perform different forms of music across the state, put the event on. The group worked directly with each school involved in the festival. 

The choir also performs at the event along with Delta Vocal Jazz, allowing the choirs to see the choral music program in all of its glory. The event also lets our own Delta Music students learn valuable skills. 

“It is valuable for these students to get practical experience in organizing and running this type of festival. The music students get to see what is going on in schools where they may someday be teaching and they get to know many of the teachers who may someday be their colleagues. It is a great experience for our students,” said Southard. 

The Music department will also hold other events throughout the semester. 

“In the vocal/choral area we have a fundraising concert coming up March 14, 2020 with a bunch of classic rock-type tunes. We also have a voice area recital on April 15, 2020 that will feature voice students and voice faculty. Our final choral concert will be on May 10, 2020,” said Southard.

The Choral Festival will be an all-day event taking place in Atherton Auditorium on Feb. 24.