‘Rock The Vote’ gets Delta College students excited about voting


On Thursday, March 5, the SJDC Radio/Television Department held a “Rock the Vote” event to give Delta College students information about the democratic processes involved in this election year. Participants included the Community Medical Centers, the United States Census, the SJDC Pride Center, the Mi Familia Vota, among others. 

“We are here to help register people to vote or help them update their information like if they change their name. We are trying to get as many people to vote as we can. So, the overall goal is to get people excited, enthusiastic about voting and participating in the Democratic process,” said Leo Colbert, one of the student organizers of the event.

The event included fun and artistic activities such as decorating voting signs, rock painting, life-size Jenga and life-size Connect-4. In addition, what got students most excited were probably the free taco and the photo booth.

“Our goal today is to help people out, hype them up, allowing people to be more aware of their voice. We also have food that we pass out too, so that would be pretty cool,” said Jalen Hodges, student organizers.

“Rock the Vote” also ended up including student wellness and awareness about CoronaVirus- COVID 19, which nursing students providing informational flyers and demonstrating hand washing techniques.

“We are here to give people some tips about how to protect themselves from the Corona Virus and to remind them that it is important to wash their hand for at least 20 seconds. Of course, you want to eat healthy, lots of Vitamin C. You want to do lots of exercises too,” said Violeta Seitz, a four-semester nursing student.

The Father and Families Support Center/ the Trauma Recovery Center came to the event to talk about the free mental health services for any survivor victim or witness of violent crimes. The United States Census gave students information about the resident counting census that happened every 10 years and the importance of individual being represented. The SJDC Pride Center gave students information about gender equality along with freebies like sticky notes, stickers, and condoms.

The event definitely reached its goal of awareness. There were lines of students waiting in each booth to get information, to get their pictures taken, to get food and to participate in all the exciting games that the event had to offer.  

“This is a large event which seems like we are capturing of the students since it is in the middle of the quad. Students that passed by, asked questions, picked up posters, they are informed and hopefully, they will inform their friends and family,” said Noelani Dennis,a representative of the United States Census.  

Students affirmed their right to vote.

“We voted. If you are old enough to vote, do it. Because it is your right to vote. Our voice matters. Just one vote can make a difference. If you don’t think so, then think otherwise”, said Nathan Surait, one of the student participants.