Don’t let guard down for the holidays


As the weather gets colder and the houses get warmer friendly faces begin to show around. Buying gifts and going out is a joyous time for everyone, even criminals.

With the holidays settled in this winter all types of criminals are on high alert. More scams, kidnapping, and theft are coming and we need to be aware of it.

“Personal larcenies are the crime that’s about 22 percent higher in December than on average… those do have a bit of a peak in December,” said Dr. Janet Laurenstein, a professor of criminology and criminal justice at the University of Missouri, in an interview with Vice, a Canadian-American news and lifestyle magazine.

Personal larcenies consist of, “unlawful taking of property, other than cars, from the possession of another person by stealth, without force or deceit, [including] pick-pocketing, theft from motor vehicles, non-forcible purse snatching,” Laurenstein continued.

In most circumstances crimes are committed when you are at your most vulnerable. Looking down at your phone in the parking lot, looking for your keys after you leave a populated area, and having headphones in; not paying attention to the surrounding area.

So how do we stay safe during the holidays, when there’s so much to watch out for? Think smarter not harder.

If you feel unsafe walking to your car at night most public establishments will have a security escort you out at your request, invest in personal security items that can help you at any time of need, and always share your location with family and friends. 

With the amount of scam related occurrences the Northern Territory Government has released a few recent scams you should watch out for: 

  • COVID-19 scams
  • False billings
  • Investment scams
  • Pyramid schemes
  • Threats and extortion 

In order to protect yourself  from these scams the NTG has recommended that you stay suspicious of unexpected phone calls, and text messages. Remember banks will never ask for personal information through email, and never give out money to suspicious emails or people.