For the second time in three years, Delta College is searching for a new leader. With the October leave and June resignation of Dr. Omid Pourzanjani, the college ended its application period for a new President/Superintendent on Feb. 28.
Application review and interviews are slated for March, with the final candidates advancing to public forums in mid April.
Understanding how important this role is for the future of the campus, and for the students of Delta College, members of The Collegian newspaper staff compiled a list of wants in a new lead administrator.
A new president of Delta College should be someone who:
- Listens to all voices and doesn’t hold a certain bias, specifically related to the makeup of the student body, all voices are important, no matter what race, ethnicity, or culture
- Is fair to all genders
- Is open to constructive criticism and listens to the opinions of others in a thoughtful way
- Is aware they are a public figure and understands that comes with criticism
- Is someone who looks into financial equity, understanding that a higher Expected Family Contribution doesn’t always equate to a student being able to fund their entire education by themselves, or with their parents help
- Is fair
- Will work to ensure the LGBTQ+ student population feels safe and welcome on campus
- Will listen to faculty, particularly when presented with issues that are student centered
- Is a clear communicator when it comes to issues of public concern, including Covid-19 updates and happenings on campus
- Is a clear communicator when it comes to information that needs to go to the public regarding things like happenings on campus or the Covid-19 response
- Interacts and mingles with the student population, not just someone who stays in their corner of the Administration Building
- Looks at all programs through an equitable lens, in terms of staffing and money
- Is inclusive of special needs students and encourages staff to offer alternative assignments, but also uses their position to break the stigma related to students receiving accommodations as part of Disable Students Programs and Services
- Is easily accessible
- Understands transparency cannot be a buzzword, but a lived concept
- Is worth what we are paying them (an estimated salary of more than $235,000) a year, which means they make decisions, take responsibility and are transparent
- Lives in the Delta College service area
- Embraces and interacts with the community on a regular basis
- Appreciates the student body, the population and the diversity of Stockton and its surrounding area
- Pushes to makes services more available to students, particularly Danner Hall
- Looks to extend service times understanding that not everyone goes to school during the day hours
- Takes Covid seriously without making it political
- Is passionate about Delta College and the job
- Believes in our educational goals and wants students to achieve more
- Wants to add language programs that are more inclusive to the area
- Encourages curriculum development that speaks to students’ ethnic and cultural backgrounds