Submission deadline for student art show April 4


After two years of being held fully virtual, the annual Student Art Exhibition in the L. H. Horton Gallery will be held in person from April 28 to May 13.

Call for entries for the 23rd Annual Student Art Exhibition are open now. The deadline for submissions 3 p.m. on April 4. All students who have been enrolled in at least one Delta College course for the Fall 2021 and/or Spring 2022 academic semesters are welcome and encouraged to apply.

This year’s exhibition juror will be Faith J. McKinney, owner of the Faith J. McKinnie Gallery in Sacramento, which according to their website “champions underrepresented and marginalized queer artists and artists of color.”

“It’s a great experience for the students,” said graphic design professor Melanie Marshall. “I love the student show. I think the student show is the best show of the year.”

There are seven art medium categories available, each with a $100 portfolio award.

To qualify for the portfolio award each applicant must submit a minimum of two artwork entries in the same medium. The medium categories available are ceramics, drawing, graphic art, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture. 

Students seeking portfolio awards should submit a minimum of three entries and a maximum of six. One portfolio award is available for each of the above categories. Four $50 Merritt awards are also available for general participants.  Awards are sponsored by the Horton Art Gallery foundation and the Frank W. Clancy Memorial Fund. 

General guidelines and requirements can be read through the “student art exhibition guidelines and requirements” PDF available on the Delta College website. A mat cutting workshop will be held on March 29 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for students who need mats to complete the framing of their pieces, according to the student art exhibition guidelines and requirements.

When asked about the show being held in person, Marshall replied, “I’m so excited … thrilled.”

Participants will be notified of the artwork selection on April 8, and should have their selected artwork delivered to the gallery between April 11 and the 13 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and by appointment. 

A gallery reception and award ceremony will be held on April 28 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in person at the gallery.  The exhibition will run from April 28 to May 13 in the Horton Gallery, located in Shima 144.