Are women safe on Delta College campus?


From attaching blades to our key chains, pepper spray in our pockets, and keeping our keys between our knuckles, are we safe in our own learning environment?

Although there are ways for women to keep themselves safe and strategies to help them stay vigilant, like Delta Student Layba Rehman are still cautious.

“Creepy stuff happens here, and I would try to get away,” Rehman said.

An informal survey of women at Delta College found that those who are regularly on campus feel safer than those who are not. On a scale of 1-10, student Lydria Caliz said she feels a “9” at Delta College, but said she is “not on campus a lot.”

Students can take proactive measures for their own self defense, including arming themselves with pepper spray.

“Pepper spray is legal on the college campus. Legal container size must be equal to or below 2.5 ounces,” said Bob DiPiero, Chief of the San Joaquin Delta Community College District Police.

DiPiero, who has been chief at Delta for more than five years, said statistics show that the campus is safe.

“Delta College remains one of the safest public locations in the county. In fact, statistics show that you are more likely to be a victim of a crime across the street, at the malls, than you are on campus. It is also important for every person who comes on campus to practice safety by knowing their location and following basic safety principles,” DiPiero said.

To help women on campus feel at ease the District Police Department provides multiple resources including the Rave Mobile Guardian App. 

 “This app provides safety resources to the end-user. More importantly, it allows the District police department to communicate emergency messages and Clery timely warnings. The app also allows students to contact the District police department and report situations anonymously,” said DiPiero.

District police are on call at all times. The department can be contacted by cell phone or by picking up a blue-light emergency phone on campus. The District police department is always there to call in case you need a safety escort to get wherever you’re going on campus safely. Emergency flip cards are also available, they are located in every classroom. These flip cards have information to help anybody with an emergency situation. 

“The District police department is here for your protection 24/7/365. It is an important part of preparedness to program the District police phone number for easy access; (209) 954-5000.  You can also call us directly from any classroom or office phone by dialing; 5000. Lastly, you can go to any emergency blue light phone and contact us any time,” said DiPiero.

It’s important to always stay alert and walk with groups of people to help you feel safer. 

And always trust your gut.