Fitness projects being established at Delta 


In an effort to help students stay healthy and fit, Delta’s Board of Trustees have voted on Sept. 20 to approve the purchase of equipment for a fitness court from the National Fitness Campaign. 

The fitness court is a seven minute workout system that consists of seven stations, each focusing on a workout that strengthens a person’s core, lower body, upper body or agility using their own body weight. 

The fitness court project is in the process of getting established by Oct. 2022 and its official location will be in front of the Atherton Auditorium. 

“I’m excited about an outdoor area to get stronger in,” said Adrienne Sorenson, head coach of the women’s soccer team. “I’m really excited that the school is putting that money into that area. I think it’ll be awesome and it’ll be great for the community also, just a place for them to workout.” 

Other staff members had some comments and opinions about this as well. 

POST Academy director Tammie Murrell says that the fitness court will benefit the police academy since they don’t have their own athletic training equipment. 

“The police academy at Delta College doesn’t have its own athletic training equipment,” said Murrell. “So, this is going to give us an opportunity to have a place to work out and  we’re gonna be the first people to use it and we won’t have to share the facility with other programs. So, it’s very good for our program.” 

Delta President/Superintendent Dr. Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson says that although the POST academy are scheduled to use the fitness court for one hour each day, the rest of the time is open for the public and that can engage the community in crossfit training.

“How the fitness court will be beneficial to the community is that currently our POST academy students will use the fitness court, but they will only use it one hour a day,” said Lawrenson. “And, the rest of the time is open for the athletics and the general public to use. So, it gets people to come and engage in crossfit training on the fitness court itself.” 

Current and former students at Delta shared their opinions, too. 

Goleman Library tutor and former Delta student Silvio Dell’Aringa says that the fitness court is a great idea and it would do great for public health. 

“I think the fitness court is a great idea,” said Dell’Aringa. “Stockton has an issue with obesity. So, when you are offering a free program where people from the public can workout, I think that would do great for public health.” 

Freshman soccer player Mateo Pena also says that the fitness court is a great idea since it’s free access for the public to workout.

“Honestly it sounds like a great idea,” said Pena. “It would motivate more people to workout and give people access to an area that they can workout for free.” 

However, this isn’t the only fitness related project Delta is working on right now. 

The par course is a fitness activity that consists of ten stations and each of these stations will require participants to do exercises such as chest press or leg extensions. 

After completing a specific station, the participant will run 100-200 meters to the next station to continue on with the workout, gaining more muscle and burning off calories from running to different stations as well. The total distance of completing these ten stations comes out to about one mile. 

Delta’s Board of Trustees are still in the process of approving the equipment for the par course. 

“The par course is something that was in place years ago and we want to promote a health and wellness minded campus climate,” said Lauryn Seales, head coach of the women’s track and field and cross country team for Delta College who is also the main part of the fitness court and par course. “When you address your physical wellness, your emotional, mental, and physical wellness improve as well.”

Delta was awarded $30,000 from the Greenfields School Incentive Program specifically for the par course equipment. 

Although the establishment date of the par course is unknown, the proposed areas will be around the parking lots and the entrance to Delta College.

“I also like the idea of the par course because it offers an outdoor system where you can run throughout the school, going to different stations and focusing on different parts of your body, which I think is great for overall exercise and to get fit as well,” said Dell’Aringa.

Not only does the par course and fitness court help you get  in shape, but it will help you cope with your mental health as well, according to Valerie Gnassounou, dance and French professor at Delta College who is also a big part of the fitness court process as well.

“As you know, a lot of stress was increasing due to the pandemic and we wanted to make a change and cope with different barriers that have risen from the pandemic,” said Gnassounou. “And, we came up with the fitness court because we believe fitness is very good for the mental and physical health of the person.”