Students struggle with financial aid difficulties


Is the department bad or are the bad apples mixed in with the good ones?

If you ask the students of Delta College the Financial Aid department has its fair share of good and bad. The complaints range from financial aid specialists telling students “your parents probably make too much money” to workers closing Live Chats on students with urgent problems.

Student Jonathan MayoLopez said the financial aid department has him “punching the air.” 

“From my experience with the Financial Aid department they are just straight to the point and quick, from there it’s onto the next student that has to do their second step for the financial aid and they even get a little mad for showing up to the zoom call 30 seconds late,” said MayoLopez.

The closing of Live Chats, which is available through the Delta College website, in particular is not a sanctioned action.

“This would not be an acceptable practice and is not currently an issue that we are aware of,” said Tina Lent, Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Sometimes finding help in the department can be troubling. Students are welcome to contact Elba Serrano, the Assistant Director of the Financial Aid and Scholarships Department as well as Lent herself. 

“Other than the variety of options students have to contact various staff members of the department, students are welcome to reach out to either Elba Serrano (Assistant Director) or myself at any time,” said Lent.

I’ve had my fair share of experiences at the financial aid department, from walking in with anger to walking out feeling happy. 

It comes down to who you speak to.

I recommend finding the right financial aid specialist for you as if you were scrolling left or right on Tinder. You may have to check out a few before you find a good match.

After finding the right financial aid specialist for me, I understood what was going on behind the scenes instead of being reeled like a fish.

Finding someone who can really help and understand your point of view is essential especially when it comes to your financial aid. When I finally found the right specialist for me, I was able to have peace of mind and the status of my grant. From then on my opinion on Financial Aid changed because I was able to get the help I needed.

With that being said, the department can be a frustrating and hair-pulling experience, there are resources out there for you to learn more. Like a variety of financial aid workshops the department and Delta College Student Services host. Financial aid is also open late Wednesdays from 3 p.m to 7 p.m. in DeRicco 117. The Financial aid department is still available Monday-Friday, 8 a.m to 5 p.m.

“Financial Aid can be a complex process and difficult for students to navigate through,” said Lent. “It is essential to understand the processes and in order to assist students with gaining a better understanding we offer a variety of different type of workshops.” In an email interview, Lent included links to campus workshops at and a general contact page.

“The Financial Aid Office continues to look for innovative ways to best meet students where they are,” said Lent.

The best thing to do to stay on top of your financial aid understanding is to ask questions, ask for clarity, and have a little good luck to navigate the process.