New general manager named for the Stockton Ports

Feneck has ties to Delta College through mother, brother and has collaborated on projects

Stockton Ports General Manager Jordan Feneck. COURTESY PHOTOGRAPH
Stockton Ports General Manager Jordan Feneck. COURTESY PHOTOGRAPH

The Stockton Ports have recently announced a new GM for the team, and he has deep roots with the city of Stockton and Delta College. 

Jordan Feneck, a University of the Pacific graduate, was promoted to the general manager of the Ports in September 2022. Recently, he was involved in the Mustangs in the Outfield outreach event with Delta College on Aug. 7 and 8, which drew 2,300 attendees. 

“Mustangs in the Outfield was a really special event for our community and I was honored to be involved with it,” said Jordan. “It was great to work with Delta College and see the hard work come to life. I am already looking forward to continuing the partnership with Delta College in the future.”

The ties don’t stop there either. 

Jordan’s mother, Diane Feneck, works as a counselor for Delta, and his brother, Joseph Feneck, was hired as the director of the college’s fundraising Foundation. 

“I am so incredibly proud of him for his hard work and his accomplishments,” said Joseph. “Jordan has always loved Stockton and our local community. And to see him in a position that allows him to bring our community together in a form of entertainment at baseball games, it’s really cool and really exciting. Jordan has always been a hard worker and he’s really good at what he does.”

Diane said that she’s very excited to see Jordan work for the team and she loves watching her son work and engaging with people. 

“I am just so excited,” said Diane. “His dad and I have become season ticket holders as a result of him working for the Ports. So, we go to a lot of the games and honestly, my favorite part of the game is to see him in action. So, from a mother’s perspective, I love going and watching him work because I like to see how he does his job and how he engages with people.” 

Before Jordan became GM of the team, he interned at the Ports while he was at UOP and it was through a sports marketing class he had taken while he was at college. 

“The internship really culminated what I have studied in school and it taught me about a different side of sports that not a lot of people are aware of,” said Jordan. “I have always been an avid sports fan and I obviously went to Ports games as a kid and it’s fun to see the back end side of things. It’s really interesting to learn about how much goes into putting on a successful season that the fans get to come and have a great time and a lot of them aren’t aware of how much work goes into it.” 

Jordan also graduated at the University of Pacific with a degree in sports management in 2020 and he believes that hard work will get you everywhere in life and that he always told himself he wanted to be general manager of the Ports one day.

“I always like to believe that hard work gets you everywhere that you need to be in life,” said Jordan. “As soon as I started interning here, I got to know the people who were in my position now and I learned a lot from them. And, I always told myself that I wanted to be the general manager one day. I’m glad that it came a lot sooner than I expected it, but I’m definitely ready for it and I’m excited and grateful for the opportunity.” 

As for Jordan’s advice for Delta College students on goals and motivation, he wants students to simply take chances and to always be confident and faithful in what you do in life. 

“My best piece of advice is to take chances because it’s easy, especially now that the world kind of changed after the pandemic,” said Jordan. “It’s easy to get comfortable with what you’re doing and to get set in the mindset of just wanting to take the easy way, but that’s not gonna get you far in life. You have to be willing to take chances and take a gamble on yourself. And, the biggest thing is that you have to have the confidence and faith in what you do as well.” 

The Stockton Ports will start their regular season in Spring of 2023 and the team’s first game will be against the Modesto Nuts on Friday, April 7.