Board appoints Stewart-Green 


Delta College’s Board of Trustees appointed Valerie Stewart-Green for its Area 6 seat during a special meeting on Oct. 11. This seat was left vacant after Dr. Teresa Brown passed away in early September. 

Interviews for the provisional appointment to the board were held at the Tilllie Lewis theater in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, which necessitates that public boards conduct deliberations in public view. 

Valerie Stewart-Green

This meeting was the first to be held in person since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Though open to the public, attendance inside the theater was noticeably low.

“This is not representation of the student community that we serve,” said community member Wes Swanson during public comment. “I also find it a little disturbing that the decision will be made in this room with this small attendance.”

This meeting featured six candidates. Each was asked to answer the same set of four questions. Questions ranged from asking candidates to describe how they would respond to a constituent’s concern, to defining their understanding of the role the board of trustees plays.

In the end Valerie Stewart-Green was unanimously voted onto the board. Stewart-Green is a University of San Francisco graduate, and was executive assistant to the superintendent and board of trustees for 22 years before recently retiring. 

Bobby Bivens, president of Stockton’s chapter of the NAACP, endorsed candidate Stewart-Green and spoke in favor of her appointment during public comment. 

“I do believe Valerie would be a quality improvement to this board,” said Bivens. 

According to a press release from Delta College, the appointment is provisional and subject to revision if a petition against the appointment is filed with the appropriate amount of signatures. Community members have up to 30 days after the appointment to file. 

A memorial service for Dr. Teresa Brown was held on Oct. 20 in Atherton Auditorium.