Mysterious MyDelta fees: What are they for?


Every semester a majority of students see a miniature red exclamation mark with the words “Payment Due.”

Students are either confused or don’t know what the fee is.

Do you know what the $12 fee is?

“Don’t know,” said Jesus Espinosa

“Never paid it,” said Mary Diez

“I’m not really sure,” said Naveah Garcia.

What is the fee in MyDelta?

Every semester, a $12 fee is issued, this fee includes the Student Activity Fee ($10) and the Student Representation Fee ($2).

The Student Activity Fee is how students can get their Mustang Pass, which includes benefits like discounts on local businesses, raffles and free food. 

This fee also helps to plan student activities.

“The Student Representation Fee pays for student representation and participation in the California Community Colleges at the state level, so it helps give students a voice on important decisions and policies,” said Director of Marketing and Communications, Alex Breitler.

Students are encouraged to pay these fees, though they are optional.

“Both of these fees are optional,” said Breitler. “Students will see the fees listed in MyDelta, but if they don’t want to pay them, they can just wait and the fees should automatically drop off at the end of the semester.”

Students can also email the Fiscal Department: for a faster removal of the fee.

“The Fiscal Department oversees student accounts. We are the admin for the student fees email and answer all requests/concerns within 24 hours,” said Fiscal Technician, Colleen Byars.

According to the Delta College website, under Financial Account frequently asked questions, you can also opt out of the fees by logging into MyDelta, going to Tasks, and clicking on the Student Fee Guide to opt out of the fees. 

Despite the $12 fee information being in the FAQ section, this fee should be made more clear towards students considering the amount who have no idea what the fee is for and if they should pay it or not.