Delta Provides tutoring help


As the end of the semester is approaching, final projects and exams are too. Studying on your own is always an option, but having some help can sometimes make a world of difference. 

Students are encouraged to attend tutoring at Delta to receive academic support and to further their academic goals. Tutoring can provide opportunities that may not be available when studying and working alone. 

Tutoring can be for those who are struggling on a certain topic for class or for those who may just need a refresher.

 “There is sometimes a stigma that tutoring is only for students who are struggling.  That just isn’t true!  Tutoring is for everyone,” said Jordan Giannoni Harless, Delta’s faculty learning centers coordinator. 

Tutoring is a way to bolster an individual’s academic success. 

“It’s a way to engage with course materials, get questions answered, meet classmates, form study groups and learn from peers who have been through the same courses,” said Giannoni Harless.

Delta provides tutoring resources to students that cover a wide range of topics at multiple locations. Tutoring is provided at the Goleman Library tutoring center, the writing success center, the math and science learning center, at the Mountain House campus, at the ESL lab and online via Zoom. 

Delta’s various tutoring centers all provide an environment that is inviting and understanding. Tutors are taught how to best interact with the individual seeking tutoring. 

“Students can expect to enter a welcoming environment when they attend tutoring.  Our tutors are trained to be patient, ask questions that invoke critical thinking, and help students develop problem-solving strategies and study skills that will allow them to continue to learn independently once they leave the learning centers,” said Giannoni Harless. 

The Goleman Library provides drop-in opportunities for students in need of writing help or who are taking classes in subjects such as business, social sciences, foreign languages and humanities. The Math and Science Learning Center also provides drop-in opportunities for math and science subjects, including computer sciences. The English as a Second Language Lab provides drop-in tutoring opportunities for all students enrolled in Delta’s ESL program. Details regarding schedules and tutoring appointments can be found online on Delta’s website. 

“The resources provided vary from center-to-center, but some of them include various hand-outs for different types of essay writing, microscopes for examining slides for science classes, and models for courses like Chemistry and Anatomy,” said Giannoni Harless. 

The learning centers are also aiming to provide more resources to students in the future. 

“We’re also in the process of developing online plagiarism, study skills and time management workshops that students will be able to access anytime.  We hope to have those ready by Fall 2023,” said Giannoni Harless.

If receiving tutoring does not seem appealing, maybe becoming a tutor does. 

“We are always recruiting new tutors,” said Gianonni Harless.  “In particular, we need tutors for Writing and English, Chemistry 1A and 1B, Anatomy, Physiology, Math 1 and 2, Math 12, and Physics.”