Technology in schools: What’s your preference?


Imagine this scenario, which I’m pretty sure you all can relate to.

You’re walking into class and the first thing you notice is how everyone has either a tablet, laptop or they have both, while you just have a pencil and paper.

Even in high schools, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, handwritten notes were widely used.

Now, everyone is using a laptop, even elementary school kids with their district laptops. 

Technology has become the norm.

Everyone’s preferences are different, some take notes on Word docs while others take notes on a tablet but you can’t help but feel like you’re going to somehow fail because you don’t have what other students have.

Personally, I relate but then again, everyone’s preferences are different when it comes to college.

“I always wanted to try writing on a tablet,” said Delta College student Alissa Nicole. “But I prefer handwritten notes, sometimes laptops depending on my mood.”

While it seems like handwritten notes are being phased out of Delta, handwritten notes are great since they won’t get lost if I drop water on them compared to technology.

“I prefer a laptop but also handwritten notes on the side,” Delta College student Monica Candelas said.

Personally, I use a notebook and colorful pens when taking my notes since I retain more information that way, especially when color-coding my work leaving me three slides behind on a lecture.

At home though, I use a laptop just to do homework since I’m not the best typer in the world to take notes on a laptop.

My only problem is I don’t remember what I write when my writing is sloppy.

“Some students would use Cornell notes on their iPad and it looked really organized, especially in math,” Delta College student Elizabeth Brooke said. “There was a student that did such good notes in Geology 5A and she sent me her notes from her iPad.”

I have the urge to buy a tablet since it’s all I see and it seems portable compared to carrying my heavy laptop around, plus maybe I’d actually study for the aesthetic of it.