Delta College celebrates, embraces, Latino/Hispanic heritage, culture year-round


National Latino/Latine Heritage Month is a month recognizing the impact and contribution Latino/Hispanics have made for the country and community.

The celebration of diversity and culture runs from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15.

Delta College will host a series of events to celebrate the month. The first event, Pachanga Presente, included a parade of flags on the quad to promote awareness and appreciation of Latine culture, happened on Thursday, Sept. 14. The events are part of campus culture that regularly celebrates Latine people through events, education, and scholarship.

“I think Latino Heritage Month means how rich in diversity/cultures we are as a campus and a community of the surrounding areas we serve. We want students to come together and feel free to engage in the events we hosted to not only share their culture and experiences but also learn and celebrate with others the contributions that our Latinx/ Hispanic/Chicanx/Afro-Latinx/Indegenous people bring in the table,” said Claudia Navarro, Administrative Assistant for Students Services Division and currently the chair for La Raza Employees Association.

Navarro said it is a privilege to be part of an institution that supports employees to be part of the committees that serve our students and the community. Delta College is considered a Hispanic Serving Institution, with a majority of students identifying as such.

“In my opinion Delta does a great job by supporting and acknowledging the Latino Community all year round. Every year for the past few years many faculty and staff have taken part in planning for the month of the year in particular and have had amazing feedback and turn it around for students and the campus community,” said Navarro.

The Delta College line up for events includes:

Paletas con Profes at 12 p.m. (Noon) on Sept. 20 in Shima 133 where students are invited for free paletas (popsicles) and conversation with Delta College faculty.

Loteria with the Pride Center at 1 p.m. in Danner 202B, which is an afternoon of Loteria and information about the Pride Center.

Campesino Forum Celebration at 10:30 a.m. on Oct. 5 at the location, which was renamed to commemorate the work of area farmworkers and its impact on the county.

Indigenous Peoples’ Day Celebration at 12 p.m. (Noon) on Oct. 5, with Native American dancers.

Delta will also host a Dia de Los Muertos on Nov 1-2.

“La Raza Employees Association has held other events over the year such as Dia de Los Muertos that has become an annual event in Delta. It has been a hit that many look forward to it for the food and to participate as we have included our students and staff to participate in the Alter to share photos of a loved one that has passed, we have activities for this celebration as well. We invite artist, vendors who make donations for a silent auction and we raise funding for scholarships,” said Navarro.

Other events Delta has hosted are their sale of tacos in the Christmas Baile Folklorico event, Mother’s Day raffle, and all these events are engaged by the staff, students and community to raise funds for our scholarship account which helps students every year.

“The scholarship has funded over $90,000 since 1992 and we strive to continue this work. The scholarship account has been established with our payroll department as well to where many faculty, staff and managers have contributed monthly from their own paychecks over the years,” said Navarro.