Delta College Foundation hosts second gala

From left to right, Clerk of Board Dr. Catherine Mathis, Superintendent/President Dr. Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Instruction and Planning Charles "Kale '' Braden, and Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Student Services Dr. Lonita Cordova pose for photo. PHOTO BY ANDREA RIVERA

The Delta College Foundation hosted its Black and Gold Foundation Gala in Danner Hall on Sept. 23. 

The foundation, the non-profit arm of the college, hosted the event with the aim to raise funds to directly impact student success.

The foundation has established student scholarships, worked on the 1000 Internships Initiative, created an Alumni Association, and supports the Student Food Pantry, amongst other things. The Black & Gold Gala is the second fundraising dinner the foundation has hosted since 2022.

The night started with a live music and food reception. Attendees were also given the chance to tour the college with representatives of Delta College outreach departments. 

“I’ve noticed that there’s a lot of attendees that have never been to Delta before, so there’s a lot of interest in taking a tour,” said acting manager of Outreach and Relations with Schools Melanie Lim. 

Tours showcased the history and physical beauty of the campus itself but also the expansive opportunities offered to students through academic programs, student services, and more. 

Place settings and centerpieces at the Black and Gold foundation dinner. Pamphlets included
information on who helped put together the night decorations, food and presentations. PHOTO BY ANDREA RIVERA

“This campus is so beautiful, we’re trying our best to kind of showcase that, and showcase the beauty of it physically but also us as an institution and our amazing programs; and we’re really hoping that these sponsors are really able to pick up on that image and understand how amazing of a school we really are,” said Student and Community Outreach student programs assistant Xavier Saldivar Lopez. 

The event also saw student collaboration, allowing it to be a successful night. The Delta Horticulture Club provided centerpieces and greenery, cookies were baked by the Culinary Arts  students, live music was provided by The Nathan Forschen Jazz Quartet, and members of the Associated Students of Delta College served as greeters and checked guests in. 

“We like to highlight our students, and also we have student performances, and it’s great for the community to see the quality of our programs, what our dance students can do, and what our theater students can do. A lot of people think that Delta isn’t the first choice, and we’re showing them that it is the first choice and it is the best choice,” said Superintendent and Delta College President Dr. Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson.  

Dinner catered by De Vega Brothers began at 7:00 p.m. and was accompanied by a program highlighting the work of Delta College and its students. Welcome remarks were provided by Executive Director of the Foundation Joseph Feneck, President of the Foundation Stephan Castellanos, Dr. Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson and the Board of Trustees Student Representative Dylan Myers. 

The night continued with moving speeches from two 2023 Delta College graduates, Fabian Molina and Alonda Schonck. Both of them came to find opportunities, new experiences and success during their time at Delta College through hard work and perseverance. Services provided on campus, like the Puente Program, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services(EOPS), the Dreamer’s Center and the DARTE learning community, gave these students and many others like them a chance to visualize their own success. 

Students from Delta college theater program reciting a short part of their play Treasure Island for the attendees at the Black and Gold foundation dinner. PHOTO BY ANDREA RIVERA

The event highlighted student academic successes but also the importance of the arts and media on the Delta College campus. Gala attendees were given the chance to see a scene from the Delta Drama Department’s upcoming performance of “Treasure Island,” a DMEDIA documentary that showed the story of DMEDIA students’ trip to New York, where they were the only community college in the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System awards finals, and finally, students form Delta’s dance department gave a performance. 

Through the constant showcasing of student success and creativity, as well as a rich campus community, it is hoped that attendees would feel motivated to donate to the Delta College Foundation. Donors have the opportunity to donate supplies or equipment to specific campus programs, or they are able to give a fiscal donation and possibly decide what programs and services their money is going towards for students. 

“Some donors will donate to things like the emergency student fund. So, it happens in a variety of ways based on what the individual donor wants,” said Lawrenson.

There were also opportunities for networking to create future partnerships between Delta College and community members or organizations. It was also a good way to inform more people about who Delta College is and what opportunities are available. 

“Well, there’s not a lot of community colleges that offer 72 career and technical education programs, and we’re really lucky, and it’s why we’re listed so high in the nation because you see a lot of students going to for-profit universities to get a diploma, not a certificate, and a lot of times it’s not accredited,” said Assistant Superintendent and Vice President of Student Services, Dr. Lonita Cordova. 

The event hopes to expand and grow the opportunities it creates in the future in order to ensure that Delta College students always feel they are supported in their college careers. 

“I think it’s always good to get our name out there. I already got to meet one council member from the Stockton City Council, and I got to meet my former mayor, Mr. Cantu, so you know a lot of public figures out there, and I hope they spread good words about us,” said Myers.