Thanksgiving sucks, here’s why


Ever since I was born Thanksgiving has been just around the corner. Whenever November hits, a turkey is always at the corner of your eye. They usually roam around in groups, almost like a wolf pack. What for? Maybe they are finally standing up against this lame holiday. 

Bland flavorless turkey, weird textured stuffing, mashed potatoes (which are actually tasty), gravy, cranberry and pumpkin pie that is always sold out sadly. Thanksgiving just feels like an over-hyped holiday knowing you’re going to end up in a Jack in the Box drive thru at 1 a.m. because the food was just trash.

There’s nothing worse than no pumpkin pie during Thanksgiving, according to Delta student Sunny Jit who remarks how pumpkin pie is sold out everywhere.

Besides the pie, we actually have to talk to people around a table and watch people eat food. 

My social anxiety simply says no.

I’m pretty sure we all dread the weird conversations that are waiting to happen on this forgotten day whether it’s your grandparents asking if you’re finally in a relationship or them talking about how big you’ve gotten.

I’m not sure they realize my smile means I want to disappear.

“My least favorite things about Thanksgiving as far as food goes would probably be cranberry and stuffing,” Delta Student Andrew Tristian said.

Cranberry has always felt like a forbidden Jello to me, unless it’s actually Jello.

From talking about forbidden topics such as politics which starts an angry war of throwing the poor turkey across the room, throwing mashed potatoes at each other or an angry glare from your parents that signals you to shut your mouth.

Thanksgiving doesn’t feel like Thanksgiving. 

What exactly are we giving thanks for?

If I was a holiday I wouldn’t want to be in between the two best holidays, Halloween and Christmas since Mariah Carey defrosts on Nov. 1 and Halloween is just Halloween, it’s great.

Where are the Thanksgiving decorations? Go inside a store in the first week of November and all you’ll see is Christmas.

Maybe Thanksgiving should be celebrated in another month to really give the holiday the appreciation it deserves, but then again Thanksgiving kind of sucks. 

At this point we should move to Canada to experience Thanksgiving in October, it could be better than America.

“I don’t like how we only get to enjoy the holiday once a year. There should be Thanksgiving in February and November,” Tristian said.

There are not enough movies, no songs, decorations, no anything about Thanksgiving.

The only thing holding this holiday together is the movie ‘A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving’ and the new horror movie coming out about Thanksgiving called ‘Thanksgiving’.

Is it too much to ask for a turkey inside of a snow globe for my annual holiday desk decor.

This holiday has become a rug we all just step over with our muddy shoes.

Thanksgiving sucks and that is just a fact.

Though we all went through learning about the origins of Thanksgiving with the big feast the pilgrims had in the New World. I still don’t see the point of the holiday.

It might’ve been fun for them but not for me, though making turkey drawings out of my hand print during elementary was pretty fun.

Thanksgiving needs a major glow-up and the holiday needs to take their month back from Christmas, or everyone will honestly just forget about the holiday.

OK, maybe it’s alright

Though this holiday isn’t what most holidays are like, I guess we can still somewhat enjoy Thanksgiving.

There are no pumpkins to carve, trees to decorate but there are big inflatable turkeys to put in your front yard or inside your house if you want.

I guess Thanksgiving can’t be all bad because if it were then why is it still on our calenders?

Here are some positive things you can do this Thanksgiving:

Go outside and step on leaves

Help make Thanksgiving dinner or help eat the dinner

Trace your hand and make a turkey (YouTube time)

Get festive and buy some leafs and items with turkeys on them to spice up your home (99 Cents Only Store has some gems)

For your peace of mind: no Christmas music it’s just going to ruin the nonexistent vibe

Thanksgiving doesn’t have a lot to give, besides mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and no school. Besides those points, who doesn’t love eating food?

Take the time to spend time with loved ones or make this holiday a Friendsgiving.

Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.