Blanchard steps down from Area 2 board seat

Liz Blanchard is stepping down from her board seat on Dec. 1, 2023. PHOTO COURTESY OF DELTA COLLEGE

On Nov. 21, during Delta’s Board of Trustees meeting, Delta College Trustee Dr. Elizabeth Blanchard announced she would be stepping down from the board, and that meeting would be her last. 

Blanchard will be leaving the board as of Dec. 1, as she will be moving out of the area. She served on the board of trustees for three years, representing Area 2, which encompasses Central Stockton, after being sworn in on Dec. 15, 2020. 

“I’m very proud of our college, and I’m very glad I taught here for thirty-five years; I’m glad I’m serving as a trustee. Today’s my last meeting, and I want to congratulate the new president, congratulate all the people that are involved with programs here,” said Blanchard towards the end of the Nov. 21 Board of Trustees meeting. 

Blanchard is strongly tied to Delta College. She has served as a faculty member, was once president of the San Joaquin Delta College California Teachers Association, and is a former director for the Delta College Foundation.

Blanchard’s late husband, Joseph Blanchard, served as Superintendent/President of Delta College from 1954 to 1976. Delta’s Blanchard Gymnasium is named after Joseph Blanchard. 

Apart from the time she spent at Delta College, Blanchard has also been involved in Stockton and San Joaquin County. 

“Named Stocktonian of the Year in 2017, Trustee Blanchard has also served as a San Joaquin County planning commissioner, a city of Stockton planning commissioner for eight years, and a Port of Stockton commissioner,” noted  a Nov. 22 news release from Director of Marketing and Communications Alex Breitler, following Blachard’s stepping down

Blanchard also has a deep interest in supporting the Stockton community through her involvement in a variety of causes and organizations.

“She is past president of the Chinese Benevolent Association, past president of the Disabled American Veterans Association, and is co-president of the Chinese Cultural Society of Stockton. She served for five years on the fundraising committee of the Women’s Center Youth and Family Services, on the board for the Filipino Lions Club, Crime Stoppers, the Filipino American Educators Association, the Mexican Heritage Gallery, a member of the Rotary Club of Stockton and American Legion – Post 16 as an Education Director,” said the news release. 

With it now standing vacant, Blanchard’s seat will need to be filled. How this will be done will be discussed and decided upon at a later date. 

Board Policy 2110 notes that “within 60 days of the vacancy or filing of a deferred resignation, the Board shall either order an election or make a provisional appointment to fill the vacancy.” 

The last time a board seat was vacated was upon the death of long-time trustee Teresa Brown, who represented Area 6 (Mountain House and Tracy areas). Brown’s successor, Valerie Stewart-Green, was appointed through a process that included public interviews.

The next board meeting is Dec. 12.