Health science proposes new programs


On Nov. 7, a PowerPoint on the needs of the Health Science Department was presented at the Board of Trustees meeting. 

The PowerPoint, presented by the Instructional Dean of the Health and Fitness Department, Lisa Lucchesi, proposed new programs, staffing needs and physical needs within Health Science. 

Data regarding student enrollment in the department was also presented. According to the presentation, 7,587 students were enrolled in the Associate Degree in Nursing, 2,659 in Health Science AS, 652 as speech language pathology assistants, 314 as psychiatric technicians and 106 as certified nursing assistants. 

The proposed physical needs of the Health Science Department included more lab and classroom space, improved technology, dedicated computer labs, more clinical sites, and study and gathering space for students. If these physical needs of the department were met, students in the department would be able to work more efficiently and have expanded educational opportunities. 

Proposed staffing needs included a clinical coordinator, dedicated IT support staff, a dedicated resource specialist, and more faculty for the nursing, Emergency medical technician (EMT) and other programs within the department. 

Currently, Delta has six associate of science degrees in the Health and Fitness TrAc: family and consumer sciences, health science, nursing, physical education, psychiatric technology and speech language pathology assistant. The Kinesiology AA-T is the only associate degree for transfer within the department. 

There are four certificates of achievement available within the department: fitness specialist, psychiatric technician, radiologic technology, and speech language pathology assistant advanced placement certificate of achievement. 

The PowerPoint presentation proposed four new programs in phlebotomy, paramedic, fire science and pharmacy technician. 

New programs would provide students with new opportunities in both their education and their future job prospects. The expansion of programs offered by Health Sciences would likely also lead to new potential Delta students, as the programs cover a greater range of interests.